MD_DA127 Whole Milk Powder - Oceania Report 41 - Released on October 12, 2023 NOTICE: After October 16, 2023, all information found on this report will transition to a new PDF format. The same data will be collected and disseminated through AMS Marketing Analysis and Reporting Services (MARS) platform. The new pdf report can be accessed on the AMS website at: Oceania whole milk powder (WMP) prices are higher at each end of the price range, as the GDT price index increased by 4.8 percent. Current buying interest is good, with ample stocks to meet an increase in demand. Sources note that buyers are making purchases to add to their supplies, with the expectation prices will move higher. WMP prices lifted for contracts 1-5 at GDT event 341. The primary destination of WMP purchased was North Asia. Their purchases exceeded those of other buyers. Production is active with recent seasonal upticks in the New Zealand milk output. Inventories are adequate for contract customers and some spot load sales. The market is expected to remain stable in the near-term. Prices for: Oceania, All First Sales, Free on Board - Port, Conventional, and Edible Whole Milk Powder Price Range - 26% Butterfat; $/MT: 2,875 - 2,975 Information for the period October 2 - 13, 2023, issued biweekly Secondary Sourced Information: GLOBAL DAIRY TRADE At GDT event 341 on October 3, 2023, the WMP all contracts price, $2,931, increased 4.8 percent. The November contract, $2,934, increased 5.2 percent. EXPORT New Zealand WMP exports during January-August 2023, 856,000 MT, increased 0.9 percent from the previous year, according to CLAL data made available to USDA. Published by: Dairy Market News - Madison, WI DANIEL JOHNSON, 608-422-8605 Email: Additional Dairy Market News Information: Dairy Market News (DMN) by Phone: (608)422-8602 DMN Website: DMN MARS (My Market News):