MD_DA650 Nonfat Dry Milk - Eastern and Central U.S. Report 41 - Released on October 12, 2023 NOTICE: After October 16, 2023, all information found on this report will transition to a new PDF format. The same data will be collected and disseminated through AMS Marketing Analysis and Reporting Services (MARS) platform. The new pdf report can be accessed on the AMS website at: Central: Low/medium heat nonfat dry milk (NDM) market tones are in a somewhat bullish state despite quiet countryside market activity. Trading is steady, and prices have clearly shifted toward, and slightly higher than, $1.20/lb. In fact, expectations are not ending here. Some brokers say offers are already in the mid-$1.20s. The Texas-Mexico border gridlock is being brought up by more contacts, but this is a recent concern as Mexican buying interests are noted as steady to increasing. Condensed skim is available, but contacts note that October is typically a busy month regarding plant updating and maintenance. Therefore, some condensed skim loads are being diverted to alternate plants, while a number of processing facilities are running lighter-than-typical schedules. Market tones of low/medium heat NDM are bullish near-term. High heat NDM prices are steady, as market tones are quieter for the high heat variety. East: Eastern low/medium heat nonfat dry milk (NDM) prices moved higher this week, as market participants say supplies have tightened up and Q4 business is active. Some say end users are looking to secure more NDM loads ahead of potentially further bullish shifts, but the writing may be on the wall, as suppliers are hesitant to move anything below the $1.20 mark currently. Processing is up and down, with increased dryer and plant maintenance ongoing. High heat NDM prices are unchanged, but market tones are noted as firm. Prices for: Eastern and Central U.S., All First Sales, F.O.B., Extra Grade & Grade A, Conventional, and Edible Nonfat Dry Milk Price Range - Low & Medium Heat; $/LB: 1.1200 - 1.2200 Mostly Range - Low & Medium Heat; $/LB: 1.1700 - 1.2000 Prices for: Eastern and Central U.S., All First Sales, F.O.B., Extra Grade & Grade A, Conventional, and Edible Nonfat Dry Milk Price Range - High Heat; $/LB: 1.2500 - 1.3300 Information for the period October 9 - 13, 2023, issued weekly Published by: Dairy Market News - Madison, WI ISRAEL WEBER, 608-422-8601 Email: Additional Dairy Market News Information: Dairy Market News (DMN) by Phone: (608)422-8602 DMN Website: DMN MARS (My Market News):