MD_DA830 Cheese - Midwestern U.S. Report 41 - Released on October 11, 2023 NOTICE: After October 16, 2023, all information found on this report will transition to a new PDF format. The same data will be collected and disseminated through AMS Marketing Analysis and Reporting Services (MARS) platform. The new pdf report can be accessed on the AMS website at: Cheesemakers are reporting similar prices on the spot milk market in the region. Reported prices at $.25 above Class from last week were not passed along, but prices at/near $1 over are still prevalent in the region. Milk offers are still somewhat quiet despite growing farm milk production and component levels in recent weeks. Cheese production is steady to lower in the region, as a few contacts have noted plants being down for scheduled maintenance. More plant managers than in previous weeks relayed being down, as well. Others are running full, and still milk is not as available as it was earlier in the year or this time last year, when prices ranged from $1 under to $.25 over Class III. Cheese demand is noted as healthy in the Midwest. Buyers are viewing the steadying markets with interest, as cheesemakers foretold of this happening a few weeks ago when markets were sliding. Cheese inventories are in similar shape to previous weeks. With milk prices maintaining at over Class and limits in production schedules throughout the region at the plant level, cheese stocks are not expected to ramp up near-term. Barrel suppliers say any extra loads are generally spoken for ahead of completion, but there are few near-term concerns about inventory excess. Information for the period October 9 - 13, 2023, issued weekly Secondary Sourced Information: This week, a cooperative export assistance program accepted requests for export assistance on contracts to sell 84,000 pounds (38 metric tons) of American-type cheese and 267,000 pounds (121 metric tons) of cream cheese. So far this year, the program has assisted member cooperatives who have contracts to sell 36.4 million pounds of American-type cheeses and 7.2 million pounds of cream cheese in export markets. Published by: Dairy Market News - Madison, WI ISRAEL WEBER, 608-422-8601 Email: Additional Dairy Market News Information: Dairy Market News (DMN) by Phone: (608)422-8602 DMN Website: DMN MARS (My Market News):