00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.250 Alexander, Bryant This webinar will we will be going over the new Atlas system. 00:00:06.970 --> 00:00:11.240 Alexander, Bryant For dairy export certificates, Joe, if you wanted to kick us off. 00:00:13.140 --> 00:00:34.270 +12*******58 Yeah, thanks Brian. My name is Joe Gaynor. I'm with USDA Dairy programs, and been leading the effort to to re-envision and improve our current eDOC system and ultimately the general sanitary system as well. And so this is the first release of Atlas which will replace the current system. eDOC, CTDe. 00:00:35.600 --> 00:01:06.180 +12*******58 We will start building in production on May 6, which is Thursday and ultimately our target here is to be able to start processing certificates by Monday, May 10th and so exporters. Anybody that is currently exporting and using the edocs and eat CTDe those same credentials the auth credentials will be able to be used to access the Atlas program. It will require a new sign up. 00:01:06.630 --> 00:01:36.790 +12*******58 In the new sign up, ultimately what we're doing is a re establishing the user the information related to your company or your business, your billing information, and some of those things will actually be migrated in the background, and so we'll we'll have to go through a process to link you up to your information and so that will be part of what's happening as you start to come into Atlas. So with that in mind, a couple other notes I think will help with some of the questions we had from the first round is. 00:01:37.090 --> 00:01:53.880 +12*******58 The eDOC system will remain open and run concurrently for at least 30 days. Expert X exporters are definitely encouraged to start to use atlases as soon as you can, 'cause ultimately our goal is to sunset and shut down the eDOc system. 00:01:54.970 --> 00:02:24.840 +12*******58 Uh, so that what that means, though, is those certificates that are currently available in E docs, which is all the EU certificates. China, Chile, Colombia and Turkey will be up and running May 10th and beyond. Once we go beyond that just a couple other notes about our product, road map is once we get beyond the go-live we will immediately start working on the other certificates that currently reside in general sanitary system. 00:02:09.670 --> 00:02:10.200 Monica EGGERT Next 00:02:25.300 --> 00:02:34.810 +12*******58 And so we'll start to work through those, and that's going to take some months to get through all of them. But ultimately our goal is to have everything in the same place once we're done. 00:02:35.580 --> 00:02:53.000 +12*******58 And so there will be a transition period. And just like where we have this transition period where E docs will remain running concurrently a for a period of time, the general Cemetery system will also do the same thing. It will run concurrently. Why we build the templates to be put into it so. 00:02:53.690 --> 00:03:08.180 +12*******58 With that one other note is I know there's a lot of questions around South Korea and it's that negotiated certificate is planned to be launched on July 1st and will be launched here in Atlas. 00:03:08.820 --> 00:03:42.120 +12*******58 Uh, so beyond that, hopefully as we work through the presentation from our contractor here and better understand what the functionality is that's available there, I will, you know, try and field as many questions as we can along with in the chat. So if you have a question, please stick that in the chat for us, you know depending on what the question is, I would hope that we kind of center around using the functionality for Atlas, but if you have other questions that may take some time and we may just need to reach back out. 00:03:42.590 --> 00:03:51.550 +12*******58 To answer your question, if we can't do it here on the fly. But definitely encourage you to stick in questions in the chat as we move through this. 00:03:52.320 --> 00:03:55.410 +12*******58 I think that's it for me, Brian. So back to you. 00:03:56.660 --> 00:03:58.090 Alexander, Bryant alright, thank you, Joe. 00:03:59.390 --> 00:04:29.000 Alexander, Bryant So as Joe said, will be having a demo and walkthrough of the Atlas system. It will be a high-level overview of this system as an addendum to this webinar the user guide and quick reference guide are posted on the public sites. I will post a link to that at the end of the meeting. Also, there will be a question and answer period at the end, but as Joe said, if you have questions midstream, feel free to post them in the chat and. 00:04:29.690 --> 00:04:33.760 Alexander, Bryant You field them as answers are available. 00:04:36.110 --> 00:04:47.730 Alexander, Bryant Once again, final reminder, please make sure your line is muted and we can answer any questions. At the end. I'll pass it now to Kristy Wallace, who will be starting our Atlas walk through. 00:04:50.250 --> 00:04:51.250 Wallace, Kristi Thank you Bryant. 00:04:52.620 --> 00:05:02.010 Wallace, Kristi Welcome everybody, I I'm going to log in as a user and will walk you through the user registration requests. 00:05:03.470 --> 00:05:04.740 Wallace, Kristi Give me one moment. 00:05:19.510 --> 00:05:45.530 Wallace, Kristi OK, so super excited to be showcasing our core functionality with everybody. There are two essential pieces of functionality within at lists. We will be focusing on today and that is user registration and which I will be demoing. And then I'm going to turn it over to my counterpart Jack Harner to demo this certificate application requests afterwards so. 00:05:45.580 --> 00:06:07.120 Wallace, Kristi Now let's get started and understanding the guided journey for exporters requesting access into Atlas so that you guys can submit certificate application requests for exporting dairy quantities. After you are authenticated into USDA's Authentication web page, you will then be immediately brought to the Atlas app. 00:06:07.720 --> 00:06:40.320 Wallace, Kristi With this homepage currently displayed, this page displays a guided journey of a small series of questions. So, depending on which selections you make here, this system will determine which type of access to submit you for. If you are registering your entity into Atlas for the very first time, I request will be sent to USDA to approve or deny it, and if it's approved you will be granted access as what USDA categorize is as an entity admin. 00:06:40.380 --> 00:06:44.080 Wallace, Kristi Or main point of contact of your entity in the system. 00:06:44.690 --> 00:06:53.160 Wallace, Kristi You will also be able to manage access for your employees who are already in Atlas or who you would want to register with that entity as well. 00:06:53.820 --> 00:07:22.390 Wallace, Kristi Speaking of those employees, when they register after they've been authenticated as well, the admin of that entity would need to supply them with the unique token ID to which that employee would be including in their registration requests when it is asked. This will then let the system know that since they have the appropriate credentials of that token, that they would be automatically approved for access within that specific entity analysis. 00:07:23.280 --> 00:07:49.760 Wallace, Kristi Then they will also be able to submit certificate application requests for exporting dairy commodities, but they will not be able to manage access unless their access gets elevated by their admin. So, we will begin with the user named Gary Guests who is requesting to register his entity for the first time in ATLAS. The first question is, are you importing our experience goods from the US? 00:07:50.530 --> 00:07:56.880 Wallace, Kristi In this case, we're going to focus on export, so will select this option and then click the next button. 00:07:58.040 --> 00:08:00.420 Wallace, Kristi Next question is, are you a broker? 00:08:01.270 --> 00:08:20.840 Wallace, Kristi An under this question is just some further information. What this question is about. So, in ATLAS, a broker would export product they do not own on behalf of another organization. An organization is defined as a single entity in all its associated subsidiaries. In this case, we're going to select no. 00:08:21.750 --> 00:08:22.610 Wallace, Kristi Click next. 00:08:24.170 --> 00:08:35.540 Wallace, Kristi Next question is, are you exporting goods for a new or existing entity? So, since this path that we're focusing on is for a completely new entity and Atlas, we're going to select new. 00:08:36.270 --> 00:08:38.810 Wallace, Kristi Will focus on existing and then the next path. 00:08:39.810 --> 00:09:00.420 Wallace, Kristi Next question that comes up after selecting you is did this new entity exist in the legacy system? This question is just to help the reviewer on USDA side pay a little bit more attention to a potential duplicate that might be in the system or not. In this case we're going to go with no. 00:09:01.530 --> 00:09:02.400 Wallace, Kristi Click next. 00:09:04.930 --> 00:09:16.800 Wallace, Kristi And then here's the form it's all sectioned out its sectional by please provide your work contact information with all information related to your place of work. 00:09:17.480 --> 00:09:22.570 Wallace, Kristi And then providing your new entity information, the new entity that you are registering for. 00:09:24.210 --> 00:09:25.920 Wallace, Kristi Your billing address information. 00:09:27.440 --> 00:09:44.630 Wallace, Kristi Physical billing address. If you have an alternate billing address and any relevant comments so you would like to add. Please remember and note that anything marked with a red asterisk is a required field. You cannot go further until they're filled in. Everything else that doesn't have it is optional. 00:09:47.070 --> 00:09:57.880 Wallace, Kristi So we get started and filling these fields out. There's been a lot of testing in place, so there's going to be some prefilled information. For the sake of time. 00:10:18.150 --> 00:10:23.100 Wallace, Kristi That's all the work information and the next section is. Please provide your new entity information. 00:10:23.690 --> 00:10:25.290 Wallace, Kristi There's a check box here. 00:10:26.620 --> 00:10:32.520 Wallace, Kristi But you know that you have the option to check if your entity information is the same as your work information above. 00:10:33.950 --> 00:10:45.130 Wallace, Kristi If It is you can go ahead and check it and what will happen is that all of these entity related fields will disappear and the back end it will prepopulate appropriately in the system from the work information entered above. 00:10:46.120 --> 00:10:49.800 Wallace, Kristi So I'll select this, and all these tools will disappear before commodity type. 00:10:51.750 --> 00:10:54.030 Wallace, Kristi And the commodity type we will go at dairy. 00:10:55.310 --> 00:11:11.980 Wallace, Kristi Now we're ready for the billing address information you have the same option to check if your billing information is the same as your entity information. All these billing related fields will disappear before federal tax ID number once you check it, and it will be pre-populated appropriately in a system. 00:11:14.060 --> 00:11:15.970 Wallace, Kristi My other federal tax ID number. 00:11:17.050 --> 00:11:22.520 Wallace, Kristi This is optional. This checkbox, if you have an alternate billing address to like to provide you can do so. 00:11:39.340 --> 00:11:42.260 Wallace, Kristi Next section is the physical billing address information. 00:11:46.680 --> 00:11:49.810 Wallace, Kristi And any relevant comments that pertain to requests. 00:11:52.460 --> 00:11:53.570 Wallace, Kristi Then click next. 00:11:57.810 --> 00:12:06.360 Wallace, Kristi And that is the end of the user registration process for a new entity admin registering their new entity for the first time. 00:12:07.360 --> 00:12:27.140 Wallace, Kristi The confirmation page will display telling you that you have successfully submitted to user registration requests with the confirmation ID for your reference purposes and then, upon completion of your registration requests, you will receive a confirmation email with additional details. That confirmation email will look like this. 00:12:29.310 --> 00:12:40.470 Wallace, Kristi Hello Gary Guest, your request for a new user and related entity has been successfully submitted with some relevant information below, including the confirmation number that was on that confirmation page. 00:12:41.230 --> 00:12:47.400 Wallace, Kristi Letting them know that upon approval they will receive an email notification with this additional information. 00:12:48.870 --> 00:12:50.750 Wallace, Kristi Regarding their new user and related entity. 00:12:53.950 --> 00:13:02.900 Wallace, Kristi Also, on this page it does say if you require further assistance if you have any questions or having issues with registration, you can always go to the contact support tab. 00:13:04.040 --> 00:13:07.300 Wallace, Kristi Use the type of user registration and the relevant subtype. 00:13:09.010 --> 00:13:10.870 Wallace, Kristi After you click the next button. 00:13:13.390 --> 00:13:22.500 Wallace, Kristi The home page for that entity admin will re-render. It will display a yellow banner that says thank you for your registration requests. 00:13:23.180 --> 00:13:33.940 Wallace, Kristi Please note that your request is currently under review. Once completed, you will receive a confirmation email with additional details. This is about the same messaging that the user received in email. 00:13:35.740 --> 00:13:42.690 Wallace, Kristi So I'm going to go in on my other monitor and I'm going to go ahead and quickly approve that request. 00:13:44.080 --> 00:13:45.310 Wallace, Kristi Give me one moment. 00:14:32.230 --> 00:14:34.210 Wallace, Kristi Okay so approved. 00:14:37.570 --> 00:14:39.170 Wallace, Kristi And now Gary Guest 00:14:39.750 --> 00:14:41.380 Wallace, Kristi Will be receiving this email. 00:14:42.020 --> 00:14:50.910 Wallace, Kristi Hello Gary Guest we are pleased to inform you that your request for a new user and related entity has been successfully approved with some relevant details regarding the request. 00:14:52.800 --> 00:14:58.870 Wallace, Kristi They can either click the Access Atlas button to take them directly to Atlas with all their relevant access. 00:15:00.290 --> 00:15:02.160 Wallace, Kristi Or we can refresh this page. 00:15:08.650 --> 00:15:12.590 Wallace, Kristi And now they are in Atlas with their approved access. 00:15:13.770 --> 00:15:17.060 Wallace, Kristi And then they can begin submitting certificate application requests. 00:15:18.260 --> 00:15:39.800 Wallace, Kristi To do that, they would go to the certificates tab. This area will be demoed in and much more detail by Jack in just a few minutes from now, and this is the place that they would go to submit the request. Or to view any status of request has been already submitted or approved or rejected. 00:15:41.480 --> 00:15:43.370 Wallace, Kristi So go back to the home page. 00:15:45.570 --> 00:15:54.560 Wallace, Kristi Will go to the tab called Admin. This is where you would manage your account information as well as access to your entity within Atlas. 00:15:56.300 --> 00:16:01.660 Wallace, Kristi There are four sub tabs that appear after clicking the Admin tab. The first one is account information. 00:16:02.320 --> 00:16:06.980 Wallace, Kristi All information related to the entity of Gary Guest. 00:16:09.130 --> 00:16:17.970 Wallace, Kristi Then there is user management which will list all users who have access to the entity in Atlas. Right now, it's just Gary Guest. 00:16:19.180 --> 00:16:28.520 Wallace, Kristi And then when I go through the user registration journey for an entity employee, we’ll be able to see that Francine Farmer will be listed in here. 00:16:30.110 --> 00:16:36.970 Wallace, Kristi And then Entity Association. This is this will list out any entity broker relationships. 00:16:39.100 --> 00:16:48.720 Wallace, Kristi And then billing ledgers will list out all records set. Gary Guest has access to via his entity or any other entity that they have access to. 00:16:50.470 --> 00:16:50.920 Wallace, Kristi OK. 00:16:52.520 --> 00:16:53.870 Wallace, Kristi So that's the admin tab. 00:16:54.860 --> 00:17:04.690 Wallace, Kristi Just want to quickly go over the contact supports tab. This is the area that you would go to submit a request or a question regarding anything in Atlas. 00:17:05.860 --> 00:17:20.300 Wallace, Kristi Basically we have some types of user registration, certificate, application, certificate, invoice, any feedback related to the Atlas app or any other type that's not already listed above. 00:17:23.040 --> 00:17:31.390 Wallace, Kristi You go ahead and fill out the information that's relevant to your question or issue. You're able to upload files, help, then you would click submit. 00:17:33.570 --> 00:17:39.190 Wallace, Kristi Any open tickets? This would list out all tickets to have yet to be resolved. 00:17:40.430 --> 00:17:48.060 Wallace, Kristi All tickets, regardless of status, whether it's resolved or new or still open, will display here. 00:17:50.200 --> 00:17:54.410 Wallace, Kristi Click contact support and then real quick in the dropdown of Gary Guest. 00:17:55.910 --> 00:17:58.470 Wallace, Kristi He's able to access his profile. 00:18:00.550 --> 00:18:03.700 Wallace, Kristi Within Atlas as well his settings. 00:18:06.060 --> 00:18:07.130 Wallace, Kristi His accounts. 00:18:08.060 --> 00:18:11.570 Wallace, Kristi Which is the same page that we just saw in the Admin tab. 00:18:13.740 --> 00:18:19.420 Wallace, Kristi Contact support that we just went over and when he's all done. You can go ahead and log out. 00:18:21.970 --> 00:18:25.310 Wallace, Kristi So back to this account page, just want to point out a few things. 00:18:26.750 --> 00:18:35.500 Wallace, Kristi This is where the entity admins can generate a new token for either user registration requests or broker setup. 00:18:36.890 --> 00:18:57.690 Wallace, Kristi When there are trying to associate themselves with other entities, they would do so with the broker setup token. In this case, what I'll be displaying today is or what I will be doing today is the generation of the new token and the use of that token for a new employee requesting access. 00:18:59.640 --> 00:19:02.090 Wallace, Kristi So go ahead and click the generate new token button. 00:19:04.030 --> 00:19:09.700 Wallace, Kristi Here is a dropdown of user registration or broker setup and this case will select user registration. 00:19:10.460 --> 00:19:11.840 Wallace, Kristi And click the next button. 00:19:13.290 --> 00:19:23.880 Wallace, Kristi Pop up says you're about to modify your current user registration token or current token is a following proceeding with modifier current token. Please press next to proceed. 00:19:25.050 --> 00:19:25.790 Wallace, Kristi Click next. 00:19:28.640 --> 00:19:33.750 Wallace, Kristi And the new registration token has been generated. I'm going to go ahead and note that down. 00:19:41.420 --> 00:19:42.360 Wallace, Kristi Click finish. 00:19:43.930 --> 00:19:47.460 Wallace, Kristi And user registration token on the account record has now updated. 00:19:49.270 --> 00:19:49.690 Wallace, Kristi OK. 00:19:51.290 --> 00:19:57.030 Wallace, Kristi So that's the registration process for Gary Guest and their access within Atlas. 00:19:57.770 --> 00:20:04.240 Wallace, Kristi Next, I am going to take you through the path of a new employee requesting access. 00:20:06.100 --> 00:20:07.190 Wallace, Kristi Give me one moment. 00:20:27.910 --> 00:20:38.150 Wallace, Kristi OK so I’m log in as a user called Francine Farmer and she is trying to register for an entity that's already in the system. 00:20:38.750 --> 00:20:44.510 Wallace, Kristi Such as the entity that we just went through to register for and got approved. 00:20:45.580 --> 00:20:47.360 Wallace, Kristi So this is the same journey. 00:20:48.400 --> 00:20:52.860 Wallace, Kristi But the last page, the last screen of this wizard will be quite different. 00:20:54.200 --> 00:21:00.350 Wallace, Kristi So the first question is, are you importing exporting goods from the U.S.? Again in this case we’ll select export. 00:21:00.920 --> 00:21:01.970 Wallace, Kristi Then click next. 00:21:03.350 --> 00:21:05.320 Wallace, Kristi Again, they ask if they’re a broker. 00:21:05.990 --> 00:21:07.520 Wallace, Kristi Again, in this case we’ll say no 00:21:10.270 --> 00:21:16.210 Wallace, Kristi Then the question: are you exporting goods for new or existing entity. In this case we are selecting existing. 00:21:17.270 --> 00:21:18.360 Wallace, Kristi That we select next. 00:21:19.720 --> 00:21:26.700 Wallace, Kristi In this form, much shorter than the form Francie admins, they will fill out their work and contact information. 00:21:28.520 --> 00:21:44.170 Wallace, Kristi Then the token that is given to them by their entity admin such as Gary Guest and then any relevant comments that they would like to provide. Again, anything marked with the asterisk is required. Everything else is optional. 00:21:45.980 --> 00:21:46.470 Wallace, Kristi K. 00:22:03.730 --> 00:22:05.920 Wallace, Kristi Then take my token. I noted down. 00:22:15.200 --> 00:22:15.930 Wallace, Kristi Hit next 00:22:18.150 --> 00:22:23.910 Wallace, Kristi that is the end of registration. The registration journey for new employees requesting access. 00:22:24.530 --> 00:22:28.650 Wallace, Kristi And then they'll get this confirmation screen very similar to the one for admins. 00:22:29.320 --> 00:22:39.280 Wallace, Kristi You have successfully submitted your user registration request with confirmation ID. Upon completion they received confirmation email with additional details. 00:22:40.280 --> 00:22:52.190 Wallace, Kristi Because this was an employee that requested access into the system with an existing entity and provided the credentials of a token, their access is going to be automatically approved. 00:22:54.980 --> 00:22:58.050 Wallace, Kristi They will receive an email that looks like this. 00:22:58.680 --> 00:23:09.790 Wallace, Kristi Hello Francine, we're pleased inform you that your request for a new user has been successfully approved with relevant information below, and the same confirmation email from the confirmation page, as well as a token that is used. 00:23:11.380 --> 00:23:13.290 Wallace, Kristi They can either click access Atlas. 00:23:14.810 --> 00:23:16.230 Wallace, Kristi Or when they click next. 00:23:18.200 --> 00:23:21.200 Wallace, Kristi Their screen will update your home page will update. 00:23:23.500 --> 00:23:27.350 Wallace, Kristi And now they have all the relevant at access into Atlas. 00:23:28.350 --> 00:23:36.900 Wallace, Kristi Main difference is that you they will not have the Admin tab as mentioned before since they don't have that elevated access like Gary Guest has. 00:23:37.650 --> 00:23:41.940 Wallace, Kristi And they will be able to begin submitting certificate application requests. 00:23:43.870 --> 00:23:44.250 Wallace, Kristi OK. 00:23:45.640 --> 00:23:55.940 Wallace, Kristi And that is that concludes my demo for both admins and employees of new entities or existing entities within the Atlas app. 00:23:57.510 --> 00:24:02.570 Wallace, Kristi Any questions please utilize the chat box in the teams meeting. 00:24:03.150 --> 00:24:08.470 Wallace, Kristi Otherwise, I will hand it over to Jack Harner to demo certification requests. 00:24:09.250 --> 00:24:40.130 Alexander, Bryant Before you start, Jack everyone I know that's a lot to absorb and seeing the system for the first time. As previously stated, the user manual and quick reference guides will be posted on the public site for reference prior to Atlas Going Live. And I see one question in the chat: will a link to that list be available prior to May 10. No, it will not be. Registration and certificate generation will begin on May 10th. 00:24:44.300 --> 00:24:45.940 Alexander, Bryant All right, I'll pass it to you now Jack. 00:24:47.820 --> 00:24:48.590 Harner, Jack Thank you Bryant. 00:24:49.440 --> 00:24:58.040 Harner, Jack OK hi, my name is Jack. I'm going to be demoing the certificate application and talking about certificate applications and certificates. 00:24:59.360 --> 00:25:04.730 Harner, Jack So right now I'm logged in as the for the external website that you guys will see. 00:25:05.740 --> 00:25:11.430 Harner, Jack From here, the start of certificate applications. I'll click on certificates. 00:25:15.480 --> 00:25:19.940 Harner, Jack So first when you click the certificates tab, you'll see a bunch of different sub tabs. 00:25:21.180 --> 00:25:26.300 Harner, Jack We’ll come back to actually let's talk about these now. So first you've got the shipping group. 00:25:26.930 --> 00:25:37.430 Harner, Jack The shipping group allows you to group certificates together so that you can send them so that they can be sent out all together by USDA. 00:25:38.730 --> 00:25:40.840 Harner, Jack We’ll come back and create this in a second. 00:25:41.830 --> 00:25:44.680 Harner, Jack Create Certificate tab will allow you to create certificates. 00:25:46.410 --> 00:25:52.540 Harner, Jack Is incomplete tab, will is pause certificate applications. That's when you pause this certificate. 00:25:53.280 --> 00:25:54.710 Harner, Jack Uh, and then come back to it later. 00:26:00.890 --> 00:26:07.640 Harner, Jack Pending edits tabs. This is when you start a certificate application and submit it and then need to edit it. 00:26:09.410 --> 00:26:12.100 Harner, Jack Submit it is just yeah submitted. 00:26:13.100 --> 00:26:14.630 Harner, Jack It hasn't been reviewed yet. 00:26:15.480 --> 00:26:17.290 Harner, Jack And then we got rejected. 00:26:18.730 --> 00:26:21.160 Harner, Jack And then from here we've got approved certificates. 00:26:22.520 --> 00:26:27.870 Harner, Jack So the actual certificates that are being generated into PF which are going to be sent out. 00:26:28.480 --> 00:26:31.750 Harner, Jack And then voided certificates which are. 00:26:33.330 --> 00:26:37.430 Harner, Jack Certificates that were approved but that are no longer valid. 00:26:41.480 --> 00:26:47.180 Harner, Jack So let's create a shipping group. You gotta create a shipping group before we can submit your certificate application. 00:26:48.600 --> 00:26:56.940 Harner, Jack In this certificate, in the shipping group. Let's say we want five different certificates and we're going to have it shipped on. 00:26:57.700 --> 00:26:59.940 Harner, Jack We want these sent to us on May 17th. 00:27:03.230 --> 00:27:04.970 Harner, Jack fill out some additional details. 00:27:10.050 --> 00:27:16.910 Harner, Jack And then some information if you have it would be of how we get these certificates to you. 00:27:25.840 --> 00:27:32.770 Harner, Jack From there you can see the details of your shipping group and you have any edits to make you can. You can change this information. 00:27:37.620 --> 00:27:42.360 Harner, Jack OK, let's move on to the certificate application. 00:27:43.760 --> 00:27:54.160 Harner, Jack So little bit of background information on this. Right now, we have these countries available in Atlas for you to choose from to request certificate application. 00:27:56.370 --> 00:28:01.240 Harner, Jack Most have just one option for ticket type, while European Union has seven. 00:28:02.030 --> 00:28:03.350 Harner, Jack That you can request for? 00:28:05.250 --> 00:28:12.660 Harner, Jack You see across here we have different pages setup. So, looks like a standard view between these different countries. 00:28:13.610 --> 00:28:21.700 Harner, Jack Although ultimately, you'll be asked all the relevant information that's needed for the certificates that you're requesting. 00:28:26.710 --> 00:28:27.050 Harner, Jack Uh. 00:28:28.180 --> 00:28:30.840 Harner, Jack OK, let's submit a Turkey certificate application. 00:28:32.110 --> 00:28:32.890 Harner, Jack Click next. 00:28:35.070 --> 00:28:41.140 Harner, Jack From here, we'll enter billing information and shipping group like what we just created. 00:28:50.410 --> 00:28:55.890 Harner, Jack Here you will enter in some contact information. It's just general contact information. 00:28:57.410 --> 00:29:02.390 Harner, Jack These additional email addresses. This is what you will do if you want to. 00:29:03.490 --> 00:29:05.880 Harner, Jack If you want other people in your organization. 00:29:06.470 --> 00:29:07.610 Harner, Jack To receive. 00:29:08.200 --> 00:29:14.230 Harner, Jack Notifications about the status of your application, such as if it gets approved or what's going on with it. 00:29:16.130 --> 00:29:19.110 Harner, Jack Requesting entity, it's just the entity that you’re requesting for. 00:29:20.830 --> 00:29:21.850 Harner, Jack The consignor 00:29:23.520 --> 00:29:32.870 Harner, Jack this is where if you're if you're a broker, this is where you'll say that you’re submitting on behalf of other producer, will be able to choose the producer here. 00:29:34.880 --> 00:29:51.560 Harner, Jack Now before I continue, I want to make mention something important. You've got this pause button here. This pause button will allow you to pause this application and return later if you choose to exit this application without pausing it, your progress will not be saved. 00:29:52.200 --> 00:29:53.340 Harner, Jack So let's pause this. 00:29:59.260 --> 00:30:01.980 Harner, Jack Pause reason for our for our notes. 00:30:03.180 --> 00:30:05.240 Harner, Jack And then we can resume this here. 00:30:06.310 --> 00:30:08.410 Harner, Jack So we've got the pause reason pause for demo. 00:30:19.230 --> 00:30:21.420 Harner, Jack OK, now let's go to the next page. 00:30:24.180 --> 00:30:26.560 Harner, Jack You've got consignor and consignee information. 00:30:27.600 --> 00:30:34.390 Harner, Jack If you're using this consignor information that we have on file is not correct. You can check these checkboxes to change them. 00:30:36.670 --> 00:30:56.920 Harner, Jack For consignee straightforward except you're able to use stored consignees for later. Right now, I have John Smith as a stored consignee. I can use but if you don't have any stored consignees you wouldn't do this. Instead, you would fill out the name. 00:30:57.650 --> 00:31:01.340 Harner, Jack And then store consignee for later. If you want to choose this. 00:31:01.920 --> 00:31:05.810 Harner, Jack If you are using the consignee for later, so let's choose. 00:31:09.940 --> 00:31:12.310 Harner, Jack Export to for John Williams. 00:31:14.180 --> 00:31:16.520 Harner, Jack I'm just entering in some test data for the demo. 00:31:22.750 --> 00:31:34.330 Harner, Jack Shipping origin information. So, for a couple of these pages are going to skip through because they're just text fields and there's not much going on with them. I'll just enter in some test data for this. 00:31:35.720 --> 00:31:39.680 Harner, Jack And also another thing to remember is I'm doing Turkey right now. 00:31:41.190 --> 00:31:45.910 Harner, Jack Depending on the certificate type you’re requesting you may see more fields here that you'll have to fill out. 00:32:00.850 --> 00:32:03.970 Harner, Jack So let's skip past these ones that we are. 00:32:04.550 --> 00:32:06.010 Harner, Jack Some of these are not required. 00:32:07.470 --> 00:32:08.690 Harner, Jack I will enter in some test data for them. 00:32:10.140 --> 00:32:12.200 Harner, Jack Port no, just enter in the port. 00:32:13.260 --> 00:32:13.730 Harner, Jack Ah. 00:32:16.040 --> 00:32:19.320 Harner, Jack And you can also choose unknown if you don't know the port. 00:32:20.840 --> 00:32:22.110 Harner, Jack Right in here. 00:32:25.070 --> 00:32:27.430 Harner, Jack You are asked to enter a note for why a port is unknown. 00:32:29.340 --> 00:32:34.930 Harner, Jack Also, your ceiling container numbers you can enter ceiling container numbers like this. 00:32:43.420 --> 00:32:48.700 Harner, Jack For commodity codes, you know if you need more information about commodity codes, you can click this link. 00:32:50.350 --> 00:32:51.690 Harner, Jack You can choose. 00:32:52.320 --> 00:32:53.540 Harner, Jack Your commodity codes. 00:32:54.360 --> 00:33:02.070 Harner, Jack You can either select just the four-digit code here or you can select the four digit code plus additional information you have that. 00:33:13.060 --> 00:33:23.030 Harner, Jack So on this page we identify one through six, one from one to six commodities, depending on how much you're submitting for. 00:33:24.430 --> 00:33:31.610 Harner, Jack So for this is commodity one you see all these fields. You can enter information for like batch number and number of packages. 00:33:33.100 --> 00:33:36.370 Harner, Jack If you want to do it by additional commodities, check this checkbox. 00:33:37.050 --> 00:33:39.190 Harner, Jack I'm go for commodity two, and so on. 00:33:42.550 --> 00:33:44.420 Harner, Jack So it's entering some more test data. 00:33:47.920 --> 00:33:53.680 Harner, Jack Notice here there's no space to put units because we've got a unit selection at the end of this page. 00:33:55.340 --> 00:34:00.090 Harner, Jack And the units you choose are going to be used for all the weights on this application. 00:34:07.060 --> 00:34:08.470 Harner, Jack Here we’ll select the unit of measure. 00:34:18.520 --> 00:34:19.050 Harner, Jack Um. 00:34:20.210 --> 00:34:22.190 Harner, Jack Actually I'm gonna go back a page real quick. 00:34:23.980 --> 00:34:33.420 Harner, Jack So these dates: produced start date, then date, expiration, start date, expiration date. These are for the specific commodity. 00:34:34.020 --> 00:34:38.650 Harner, Jack So if you will go down to Commodity 2 this one also has its has date fields. 00:34:40.080 --> 00:34:41.250 Harner, Jack But on the next page. 00:34:42.200 --> 00:34:45.900 Harner, Jack The General Commodity Information page just has the same fields. 00:34:46.480 --> 00:34:50.570 Harner, Jack But they are for the entire certificate and not a commodity specific. 00:35:00.020 --> 00:35:02.700 Harner, Jack I'm getting error 'cause the gross weight has to be. 00:35:04.460 --> 00:35:05.490 Harner, Jack Greater than the net weight. 00:35:13.000 --> 00:35:19.650 Harner, Jack Here you can enter a customer reference number. This is for your records and it will allow you to easily search the. 00:35:20.690 --> 00:35:22.340 Harner, Jack This application in the future. 00:35:25.710 --> 00:35:36.900 Harner, Jack When you're entering certificate information for what copies you want, you always be charged this certificate fee, and then you'll be charged these additional fees depending on how many you request. 00:35:43.240 --> 00:35:52.980 Harner, Jack Here's the review page. This is your final opportunity to review the information you put on the form and make sure that what you input is what you intended to. 00:35:59.470 --> 00:36:06.240 Harner, Jack You're the active stations. You need to read these and certify that these are true before continuing. 00:36:11.650 --> 00:36:13.240 Harner, Jack That's the submission. 00:36:15.100 --> 00:36:16.350 Harner, Jack After it's submitted. 00:36:20.680 --> 00:36:24.130 Harner, Jack So normally you'll be taken to the record you just created. 00:36:25.770 --> 00:36:30.400 Harner, Jack After submitted, it didn't work that time 'cause there's a pause application. 00:36:31.770 --> 00:36:36.410 Harner, Jack Well, it's open that record we just created. Normally this wouldn't come up right after you. 00:36:37.120 --> 00:36:37.600 Harner, Jack Submit it. 00:36:43.590 --> 00:36:51.390 Harner, Jack OK, so here is the information for the application we just submitted. This is exactly what USDA will see. 00:36:53.180 --> 00:36:59.820 Harner, Jack And so this is your final opportunity. Another opportunity to check that what you entered is correct if you want. 00:37:00.610 --> 00:37:03.460 Harner, Jack Is this is the version of the information that USDA is going to see? 00:37:04.560 --> 00:37:05.130 Harner, Jack Um 00:37:05.830 --> 00:37:15.970 Harner, Jack I will let you guys look at this in your own time, but I'll highlight some of the most important things here. We've got the application status. This lets you know. 00:37:18.530 --> 00:37:23.840 Harner, Jack What's going on with the application has been submitted, approved, rejected, and so on. 00:37:25.850 --> 00:37:36.900 Harner, Jack Here we've got detailed information. You can put it on the side here you'll see some information such as invoices related to this application for billing. 00:37:37.940 --> 00:37:41.740 Harner, Jack Any support cases will be listed here that are related to this. 00:37:42.900 --> 00:37:43.830 Harner, Jack History. 00:37:44.460 --> 00:37:46.520 Harner, Jack Of this application, different. 00:37:47.630 --> 00:37:48.840 Harner, Jack How things have changed? 00:37:53.760 --> 00:37:59.910 Harner, Jack Yeah, let's talk a little bit more about this status here. Right now, it's in this admitted status because. 00:38:00.870 --> 00:38:05.160 Harner, Jack We just submitted it, but a USDA reviewer has not started looking at it. 00:38:05.840 --> 00:38:17.080 Harner, Jack So on my separate screen I'm going to move that status in review, simulating the idea that the USDA reviewer has started to review it. 00:38:26.840 --> 00:38:31.330 Harner, Jack OK, now we need to refresh the page to make sure to see the update. 00:38:34.540 --> 00:38:37.450 Harner, Jack Sometimes you have to refresh the page. It might take a little bit. 00:38:39.540 --> 00:38:43.950 Harner, Jack See now the status is changed in review 'cause somebody at USDA started to look at it. 00:38:45.930 --> 00:38:54.900 Harner, Jack Let's say it's now in review, but we decide. Oh wait, I didn't want to send this to John Williams. I want to send this to John Smith. 00:38:56.070 --> 00:39:07.260 Harner, Jack Now that is an edit to this application and unfortunately we don't allow you to edit this directly because there's too much logic surrounding this application that we want to maintain. 00:39:08.740 --> 00:39:19.590 Harner, Jack Things like only certain people can be consignors. You can't just choose anybody as consigner and so we have a special process that you need to go through in order to make an edit. 00:39:20.330 --> 00:39:23.520 Harner, Jack And that is called the recall edit process. 00:39:24.120 --> 00:39:26.000 Harner, Jack So let's click this button. Recall and edit. 00:39:29.440 --> 00:39:38.370 Harner, Jack This is just telling you that your status you change to recall draft recall and you have to go to the very end of this process. 00:39:39.000 --> 00:39:41.000 Harner, Jack To submit your updates. 00:39:44.260 --> 00:39:52.540 Harner, Jack What this is doing is it's pre-loading all the information you submit it originally, so you don't have to type it in again. 00:39:56.850 --> 00:40:03.790 Harner, Jack And let's make an update to the consignee. It's not, uh, let's make the correction. It's not John Williams. John Smith. 00:40:07.980 --> 00:40:12.630 Harner, Jack From there we have to go to the end of the application to submit our updates. 00:40:33.920 --> 00:40:38.500 Harner, Jack OK, now I see you're consigning name has changed to John Smith. 00:40:39.810 --> 00:40:56.670 Harner, Jack Also, the application status has changed draft recalled. This means that since it's recalled, that means that the USDA reviewer can no longer look at it, and they know it's not supposed to approve or reject it. They’re supposed to wait till you finish making your edits. 00:40:57.870 --> 00:41:03.740 Harner, Jack From there we have to submit for approval. This let's USDA know that. 00:41:05.030 --> 00:41:09.840 Harner, Jack Your edits are you finish making your edits and it's ready to be reviewed. 00:41:19.340 --> 00:41:28.620 Harner, Jack OK, now this is turned going straight in review because it's been re-routed to the original person who would have reviewed it. 00:41:29.530 --> 00:41:45.760 Harner, Jack So if you remember earlier, I started the review process on my other screen simulating the USDA reviewer starting to review it. Now, this application its routed back to that person, so they are the same person who recently saw it is going to review it. 00:41:46.430 --> 00:41:46.890 Harner, Jack Again. 00:41:48.130 --> 00:41:51.210 Harner, Jack Now in my other screen, I'm going to approve this application. 00:41:57.820 --> 00:42:05.280 Harner, Jack And from there this is going to change the application status to approved. It can also be rejected, but we're not. We're not going to demo that. 00:42:06.000 --> 00:42:22.670 Harner, Jack If it's if it needs to be rejected, although I do want to point out that if it if your application does get rejected, you can recall and edit it directly. You don't have to start from the beginning just to make the requested changes. 00:42:27.170 --> 00:42:30.510 Harner, Jack So let's refresh the page and get the status update. 00:42:32.520 --> 00:42:45.660 Harner, Jack It's changed to approved. Now that's changed to approve what that's done is it’s created an associate certificate. The certificate is the actual information that's going on the PDF that's going to that. You're going to be receiving. 00:42:47.260 --> 00:42:48.050 Harner, Jack And is. 00:42:49.390 --> 00:42:50.530 Harner, Jack The yeah. 00:42:51.460 --> 00:42:53.980 Harner, Jack So it's opening this certificate in a new tab. 00:42:54.730 --> 00:43:02.400 Harner, Jack While we this whole time we were looking at the application. Now we've got the actual certificate. This is the information that's going on the PDF. 00:43:04.210 --> 00:43:11.680 Harner, Jack Certificate here has looks very similar to the application you've got all the information that's going on this certificate here. 00:43:12.610 --> 00:43:15.030 Harner, Jack And you've also got a history over here. 00:43:15.820 --> 00:43:22.830 Harner, Jack And files this is where the PDF will be stored once the somebody at USDA has generated the PDF. 00:43:25.360 --> 00:43:28.500 Harner, Jack The certificate has three statuses is active. 00:43:29.650 --> 00:43:31.910 Harner, Jack Which stands, which is just a standard certificate. 00:43:32.490 --> 00:43:41.420 Harner, Jack Void, which is a certificate it that's no longer valid and amended, which is a certificate that has gone through the amendment process. 00:43:43.660 --> 00:43:46.800 Harner, Jack So normally you just that this would be. 00:43:48.350 --> 00:44:11.430 Harner, Jack This is all you need to do from here, and USDA would take care of it. But let's say you somebody at USDA has approved this. We decided oh wait. We need to make and edit from there. You would have to go through the amendment process. Amendments are a new certificate, but they're just using the same information as an existing certificate and they replaced the old certificate. 00:44:12.850 --> 00:44:15.560 Harner, Jack The amendment, but so let's start being in that process. 00:44:19.930 --> 00:44:37.390 Harner, Jack So this is letting you know that the amendment process is going to happen on this certificate application, not the certificate. So, if you start the amendment process here, it will change the application but will not change the actual certificate until the application that its editing gets approved. 00:44:42.920 --> 00:44:43.220 Harner, Jack OK. 00:44:43.860 --> 00:44:46.830 Harner, Jack So from here you go through and make your edit. 00:44:48.780 --> 00:45:02.700 Harner, Jack My skip through this for time purposes, but say we would change the save it right? What change the email here and there you would go through the end of the application and to submit your changes. 00:45:04.170 --> 00:45:06.010 Harner, Jack Let's skip that part of the time. 00:45:08.730 --> 00:45:11.860 Harner, Jack So let's say we did go through that whole process and maybe edit. 00:45:12.620 --> 00:45:13.290 Harner, Jack From there. 00:45:13.870 --> 00:45:16.940 Harner, Jack We would lets refresh this page to see what happened here. 00:45:17.560 --> 00:45:26.770 Harner, Jack This is the application that we're looking at now. The application was changed so it now has A-1 at the end. Because this is an amendment that's going through. 00:45:27.820 --> 00:45:32.930 Harner, Jack This certificate here has no A-1 because the certificate doesn't change until the. 00:45:33.690 --> 00:45:36.230 Harner, Jack Uh, amended certificate application gets approved. 00:45:41.470 --> 00:45:41.800 Harner, Jack Again. 00:45:43.550 --> 00:45:51.780 Harner, Jack See, this status is draft recalled. Now, before somebody at USDA can review it, we've got to submit this for approval. 00:45:58.990 --> 00:46:02.270 Harner, Jack And then on my separate monitor I'm going to approve this application. 00:46:03.620 --> 00:46:09.870 Harner, Jack Simulating what somebody at USDA would be doing which is reviewing it and then approving it. 00:46:11.710 --> 00:46:12.040 Harner, Jack OK. 00:46:12.600 --> 00:46:15.420 Harner, Jack So on my other monitor I have approved this application. 00:46:16.000 --> 00:46:18.900 Harner, Jack So let's refresh the page to see what happens as happened here. 00:46:21.460 --> 00:46:22.940 Harner, Jack You'll see an A-1 at the end. 00:46:23.860 --> 00:46:31.340 Harner, Jack And then the status is supposed to be amended, but it's going to take a second before that takes effect in the system. 00:46:35.310 --> 00:46:37.950 Harner, Jack See now it's changed it to amended, 'cause we had to refresh it. 00:46:39.510 --> 00:46:46.660 Harner, Jack Amended means that this certificate was previously active certificate, but now it's this certificate has replaced that. 00:46:47.270 --> 00:46:51.780 Harner, Jack That certificate and this is the first amendment because you've got an A-1 at the end. 00:47:00.440 --> 00:47:04.540 Harner, Jack Just give me one second. I just want to check in my notes to make sure I covered everything. 00:47:11.840 --> 00:47:14.730 Harner, Jack OK, yeah, that's all I have to demo today. 00:47:16.030 --> 00:47:18.200 Harner, Jack We can talk about any questions in there. 00:47:28.490 --> 00:47:29.650 Harner, Jack Bryant I'll pass this back to you. 00:47:34.560 --> 00:47:50.640 Alexander, Bryant Thank you Jack. I see quite a few questions and I think Joe is covered. Most of them. However, we do have some time left so we can field a few more questions. 00:47:51.470 --> 00:48:03.660 Alexander, Bryant Reminder, I know it's a lot to take Umm went over a lot of things at a fairly quick pace. However, this is just a walkthrough to give you a line of sight as to what's coming. 00:48:04.750 --> 00:48:09.380 Alexander, Bryant Currently the Atlas user guide and quick reference guides are posted. 00:48:10.870 --> 00:48:31.880 Alexander, Bryant On the public site, I will excuse me. I will repost the link in the chat is the same site where you all got the meeting information for this meeting and once again Atlas will be going live on May the 10th May the 10th. 00:48:33.120 --> 00:48:42.970 Alexander, Bryant So feel free to review the user guiding quick reference guide and there's also a registration video provided, so you would prefer prepared once that goes live. 00:48:48.810 --> 00:48:52.200 Alexander, Bryant Give it a couple of minutes for any remaining questions. 00:48:54.730 --> 00:48:58.690 Alexander, Bryant Joe, did you have anything you wanted to add while we're waiting on any additional questions? 00:49:00.620 --> 00:49:32.110 +12*******58 Yeah, just a couple of things. So yeah, so great questions and hopefully I got them all as we were going through the presentation there. Yeah, one of the questions and I'm sure this was definitely a hot topic the last time was the templates. So, in the current legacy system, Edocs templates are widely used and and ultimately our goal is to implement those in the next round of functionality to come. And so, when we get past the go live here coming up we want to start working on templates as well as those. 00:49:32.390 --> 00:50:02.620 +12*******58 Other certificates that we have in the pipeline that are in either right now in negotiations or have just wrapped up and, for example, Korea is a good example. We need to implement something for Korea by July 1st and so we will be working toward templates will be at least starting to work on those templates then I'm not. I can't promise this specific time when templates will be rolled out, but it is the number one concern from customers and it and even our internal staff and. 00:50:02.680 --> 00:50:19.120 +12*******58 Ultimately, we want to stick it in. At some point we just had to make a call to get something into production as we have looming deadlines coming from other countries with these negotiated certificates. So, we do intend to do templates. It's just going to be in the near future. 00:50:20.020 --> 00:50:51.410 +12*******58 As far as electronic data transfer, it is and so there are definitely some changes that are on the horizon in that front as well. I know, at least in the legacy system E docs you can load on an Excel file. Our ultimate goal here is electronic data transfer, and it's not just business to business electronic data transfer and what I'm describing in, and that is a relationship between USDA and our partners, our customers, where we can take in data from you guys, but. 00:50:51.700 --> 00:51:25.300 +12*******58 So to carry that forward to an electronic data transferred to the accepting country, and so we will be working on both of those fronts. Once we get past adding all the templates into the system. So if you're starting to kind of develop that product road map in their mind so you know our goal here is to get this one live and then ultimately want to add everything that dairy program does as far as export certificate generation into the system and then to start to work on those things where we work with foreign partners to pass off the electronic. 00:51:26.150 --> 00:51:39.600 +12*******58 The electronic certificates and so you know will this happen. You know overnight, absolutely not, but we intend to. Our primary goal is to get some high value. 00:51:41.230 --> 00:51:56.260 +12*******58 Backlog items done, such as templates for customers. Get the remaining template so we can have not only eDoc certificates in the same system, but also all our general sanitary type certificates. 00:51:57.030 --> 00:52:28.390 +12*******58 And that would include those like Taiwan and some of the others that are in our previous legacy system. So ultimately we want to get all of our certificates in the same system and in that same process will be doing research to do that date the you know, the data transfers between customers and ourselves as well as ourselves and accept accepting foreign entities. So hopefully I addressed those two questions. Anything else just pop them in the chat. 00:52:31.860 --> 00:53:01.310 +12*******58 Yes, uh, I think I answered this one in the very beginning of it definitely came up. The docs will be available for at least 30 days. Management has committed to doing at least a 30-day parallel runs if we run into issues it could be extended, but our goal is for 30 their 30-day parallel run where E docs or general sanitary. I'm sorry Edocs or Atlas could be used to get the same certificate. 00:53:01.470 --> 00:53:21.460 +12*******58 I would suggest that if you're going to ask for the certificate, ask for that certificate and only one system, and then if you have problems and you need to reach out to USDA to switch systems out, I would definitely be in close contact with our review team and they can help you walk through that program process. 00:53:41.980 --> 00:54:12.300 +12*******58 Alright, well before we wrap I'm not seeing any more questions pop up here in the last 30 seconds, so just a couple of final comments is we really appreciate the everybody joining the training session today we will. We had one other one and we have committed to already putting at least one of the two out on the public website for others to review. So, this will eventually be available. We need to go through a process internally to make sure it's 508 compliance and a couple of those things. 00:54:12.510 --> 00:54:32.250 +12*******58 I would also say we're in the process of creating a Q&A that we will be sharing out there as well, so some of these questions that have come up in the chat as well as the other chat that was from the previous training. Those questions will kind of be combined into a living document that you guys can reference in the future. 00:54:34.110 --> 00:54:45.560 +12*******58 And so that will also be on the horizon. There an ultimately your one stop shop, which I believe Bryant shared earlier, is that the USDA website there. 00:54:47.300 --> 00:55:14.470 +12*******58 So with that, definitely appreciate everybody's time. You're always more than welcome to reach out to USDA dairy programs, if not myself or one of my colleagues. We will definitely try and get back to you as quick as we can. Just recognize we're definitely trying to roll this thing out, and so we just give us a little time and patience with us and then we can get responses back to you as quick as we can. So, thank you for your time today. 00:55:17.790 --> 00:55:23.530 Alexander, Bryant Thank you all for joining today's webinar and we look forward to using Atlas in the coming weeks. Thank you.