Instituto Nacional de Carnes (INAC) CERTICARNES Process Verified Program National Meat Institute of Uruguay



Montevideo, Uruguay

Process Verified Point(s):

  • Source Verified - All animals and products can be fully traced from ranch to harvest, fabrication, and packaging. Identification of animals is by means of individual plastic ear tags.
  • No added hormones - No growth hormones of any kind or equivalent growth promotants have ever been administered to the animals. These are prohibited in the country by national law since 1984.
  • Not fed antibiotics - No sub-therapeutic antibiotics have been fed or administered as a supplement in feed or water for the purpose of growth promotion.
  • No animal proteins in feed - The animals have never been fed proteins of animal origin except maternal milk. The use of animal proteins in feed is prohibited in the country by national law since 1996.
  • Open Range - Animals never confined - Animals have been raised in the open range all year and have never been confined.
  • Grass Fed - All animals in the program have been grown, raised, and fattened on a grass (forage) diet.
  • INAC Never Ever 3 - no antibiotics, no growth promotants, and no animal by-products.
  • 80% Grass Fed/20% Grain Fed - Cattle must receive a diet which ensures a minimum of 80% coming from direct pasture harvest or other roughage sources during all their lifetime.

For more information on the USDA Process Verified Program and additional information on this specific program, visit the Livestock & Poultry Program’s Quality Assessment Division website.