Greenhouse Gas Technical Assistance Provider and Third-Party Verifier Program

The Greenhouse Gas Technical Assistance Provider and Third-Party Verifier Program will facilitate farmer, rancher, and private forest landowner participation in voluntary carbon markets. The program will provide a list of qualified technical assistance providers and third-party verifiers who work with producers to generate carbon credits, enabling USDA to share trusted information and reduce market confusion. Under the program, USDA will also list widely accepted voluntary carbon credit protocols designed to ensure consistency, reliability, effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency. USDA will also establish the Greenhouse Gas Technical Assistance Provider and Third-Party Verifier Program Advisory Council, as required by the GCSA.  The Secretary will appoint members to represent broad stakeholder interest.

The program was authorized under the Growing Climate Solutions Act (GCSA). The GCSA was signed into law on December 29, 2022, as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023.

Voluntary carbon markets offer a promising tool to achieve greenhouse gas reductions from the agriculture and forest sectors and support producer livelihoods. By adopting science-based practices to reduce emissions or sequester carbon on their land, farmers, ranchers, and private landowners can access a new income stream through carbon credit sales while also combatting climate change.



Sasha Strohm, Program Manager, Greenhouse Gas Technical Assistance Provider and Third-Party Verifier Program

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