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FGIS Training
Grain Grading Primer
The effectiveness of the U.S. grain inspection system depends largely on an inspector’s ability to sample, inspect, grade, and certify the various grains for which standards have been established under the United States Grain Standards Act, as amended. This publication is designed primarily to provide information and instruction for producers, grain handlers, and students on how grain is graded. It is not designed for Official grain inspectors for they must necessarily use more detailed instruction than that provided herein. In view of this fact, the Federal Grain Inspection Service, published the Grain Inspection Handbook, Book II, Grain Grading Procedures, which documents the step-by-step procedures needed to effectively and efficiently inspect grain in accordance with the Official United States Standards for Grain.
View the Grain Grading Primer (pdf)
Practical Inspection Procedures for Grain Handlers
Not everyone can or should always have their grain officially inspected. For this reason, FGIS wrote this guide which is specifically designed for producers, warehouse managers, elevator operators, and all others who market or store grain at country points, and who want to learn more about inspecting grain.
View the Practical Inspection Procedures for Grain Handlers (pdf)
Practical Procedures for Sampling Grain
View the Practical Procedures for Sampling Grain (pdf)
Stored Grain Insect Reference
This handbook briefly describes the biology, life histories, and habits of stored-grain insects and gives effective methods for the prevention and control of grain infestations.
View the Stored Grain Insect Reference (pdf)
Visual Reference Images
Visual Reference Images (VRI) are used to ensure consistent and uniform application of grading interpretations. The visual grading aids system represents the foundation for the national inspection system’s subjective quality control program, providing an effective management tool for aligning inspectors and assisting them in making proper and consistent subjective grading decisions. This system consists of Interpretive Line Prints (ILP), General Appearance Prints (GAP), and Other VRI.