Research & Promotion Programs

Since 1966, Congress has authorized industry-funded research and promotion (R&P) boards to provide a framework for agricultural industries to pool their resources and combine efforts to develop new markets, strengthen existing markets and conduct important research and promotion activities. The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) provides oversight, paid for by industry assessments.  


AMS oversees research and promotion boards that empower farmers, ranchers, and agricultural businesses.  The board members (appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture) and boards’ staff direct and carry out programs and day-to-day board management responsibilities. Every R&P program’s mission is to maintain and expand the markets for its commodity. In order apply and enforce the legislative and regulatory provisions of checkoff acts and orders and promote consistency in oversight of all commodity promotion and research programs, AMS and the boards follow written and approved guidelines. 

Visit the individual board pages listed to the left to learn more about each program.  Visit their official sites for information on current activities, annual reports, and evaluations.

Help Shape the Future of Agriculture

Be a voice for your industry by serving on a Research & Promotion Program board.  Join a group that represents all facets of your industry - from producers to processors, manufacturers to importers - and help strengthen the future of American agriculture.  

Interested in learning about best outreach practices for connecting with individuals to serve on USDA boards and committees?  

Download our R&P Call to Action to see how you can get involved.

Learn more about nomination opportunities for each board by checking the Notices to Trade.  

How to Propose a National R&P Program

AMS will consider a proposal for creating a new R&P program if the proposal has substantial industry support. 

Cuba Stakeholder Information 

For any AMS Research and Promotion Programs and Marketing Orders wanting to engage in activities in Cuba, please email questions regarding information activities, approval processes, and travel requirements to your respective program area.

Organic Exemption from Assessment

R&P programs allow persons that produce, handle, market, process, manufacture, feed or import “organic” and “100 percent organic” products to be exempt from paying assessments regardless of whether they are a “split” operation.