The U.S. Department of Agriculture today announced plans to purchase dark meat products for surplus removal.
A solicitation will be issued in the near future. All offers must be submitted electronically through the Web-Based Supply Chain Management (WBSCM) website at Offers submitted by any means other than WBSCM will be considered non-responsive.
Offerors are urged to review all documents as they pertain to this program, including the AMS Master Solicitation for Commodity Procurements, dated April 2015; Amendment 1 to the Master Solicitation dated June 2015; Amendment 2 to the Master Solicitation dated May 2016; the Chicken Parts Commodity Specification dated April 2013; and the Qualification Requirements for Prospective Vendors, dated October 2014. These documents are available on the AMS Commodity Procurement website at
Offerors must read all terms of the applicable Solicitation(s) when issued. To receive electronic (e-mail) notification of the issuance of these solicitations, see the “Subscribe to AMS CP News (link)” available on the AMS Commodity Procurement website.
Inquiries may be made by telephoning (202) 720-4517 or addressing the Contracting Officer, USDA/AMS Commodity Procurement Staff, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, STOP 0239, Washington, DC 20250-0256. An electronic version of this Purchase Announcement can be found at the Commodity Procurement Website:
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