USDA Introduces New National Quarterly Sod Report

September 24, 2020

On Sept. 28, 2020, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, through its Agricultural Marketing Service’s Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News Division (LPGMN), will publish a new National Quarterly Sod Report covering sod marketing information. The report will allow users to compare sod prices by species and region, adding transparency to the marketplace.

At the request of Turfgrass Producers International, LPGMN will collect price and volume information for the most common species of sod from producers across the United States. The September report will include price, volume, supply and demand information for the Summer Quarter of 2020. Reports will be published quarterly with Winter Quarter data published in March, Spring Quarter in June, Summer Quarter in September and Fall Quarter in December.

LPGMN will release the National Quarterly Sod Report in an accessible and user-friendly PDF format. For additional information, contact LPGMN Field Chief Russ Travelute at (816) 676-7000 or visit

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