Chili Sauce Grades and Standards

Chili sauce is the product prepared from mature, clean, sound, tomatoes, of the red or reddish varieties which are peeled and chopped or crushed, or all (or a portion) of the tomatoes may be chopped, crushed, or macerated and the peelings screened out in a manner so that at least a substantial portion of the seed remains in the product, to which are added salt, spices, vinegar, nutritive sweetening ingredients, and to which may be added vegetable flavoring ingredients such as chopped onion, chopped green or red pepper, chopped green tomatoes, chopped celery, and sweet pickle relish in such quantities as will not materially alter the appearance of the product with respect to the predominance of the tomato ingredient, and any other ingredients permissible under the provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The chili sauce is processed in accordance with good commercial practice; is packed in hermetically sealed containers; and is sufficiently processed by heat, before or after sealing, to assure preservation of the product. The refractive index of the filtrate of the chili sauce at 20 degree C. is not than 1.3784.

Grades of Chili Sauce 

  1. U.S. Grade A is the quality of chili sauce that possesses a ood color; that possesses a good consistency; that possesses a good character; that is practically free from defects; that possesses a good flavor; and that scores not than 85 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart: Provided, that the chili sauce may score not less than 14 points on the factor of character if the total score is not less than 85 points.
  2. U.S. Grade C is the quality of chili sauce that possesses a fairly good color; that possesses a fairly good consistency; that possesses a fairly good character; that is fairly free from defects; that possesses a fairly good flavor; and that scores not less than 70 points when scored in accordance with the scoring system outlined in this subpart. 
  3. Substandard is the quality of chili sauce that fails to meet the requirements of U.S. Standard.

Detailed standards, Inspection Instructions & Other Resources: