Export Procedures Shell Eggs to Barbados
June 4, 2009
Ineligible Products
Consult the Shell Egg Export Restrictions Dashboard prior to certifying any shipments.
All Policy and General Procedures Requirements listed in General Export Certification must be met unless otherwise noted in this webpage.
This instruction outlines the certification requirements prescribed by the Barbados Ministry of Agriculture.
General Procedures
Grading Requirements
The shell eggs must be graded and certified as U.S. Grade A or better, as outlined in the United States Standards, Grades, and Weight Classes for Shell Eggs (AMS 56).
Animal Health Verification
The following verification is required:
Flock Affidavit: The flock(s) must receive routine animal health visits from a veterinarian, which are conducted at least annually. The producer is responsible for maintaining and implementing procedures to ensure that eggs are obtained from poultry which did not show signs of transmissible diseases at the time of collection. These written procedures must be shared with the accredited veterinarian at the time the affidavit is completed.
Plant management must present an affidavit (Exhibit I), signed by the accredited veterinarian responsible for animal health at the farm where the eggs originate when applying for an export certificate. To sign the flock certificate, the veterinarian must have Category II accreditation in the State where the flock is located. For assistance in locating a veterinarian with the appropriate accreditation, please utilize the Accredited Veterinarians Search Tool.
NOTE: The affidavit is for USDA use only and should not be sent to Barbados.
When completing the certificate (Form LP-210S) the following information must be included:
- The statement "Fit for human consumption"