The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is revising the U.S. Standards for Grades of Frozen Corn on the Cob effective April 8, 2021.
AMS is replacing the dual nomenclature grading system, which uses two terms to describe each quality level in the standard, with a letter grade system that will use a single term. AMS also made editorial changes that bring the grade standards in line with the present quality levels being marketed today and provide guidance in the effective use of these products.
Grade standards are voluntary guidelines or specifications that provide growers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers with a uniform language for describing the quality, size, and condition of commodities in the marketplace. The standards provide commerce with a common language for trade and a means of measuring value in the marketing of agricultural products.
AMS works with industry representatives and others to establish or revise U.S. standards for agricultural products. The final notice was published in the Federal Register on March 9, 2021.
On October 21, 2020, AMS published a notice inviting comments on proposed revisions to the U.S. Standards for Grades of Frozen Corn on the Cob in the Federal Register. No comments were received.
Copies of the U.S. Standards for Grades of Frozen Corn on the Cob are available on the AMS website. For more information, please contact Brian Griffin at or (202) 748-2155.
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