Recognizing the importance of improving the food and agricultural supply chain, the Northern Cheyenne Tribe (NCT) and its partners aim to procure and distribute regional beef, buffalo, and produce to the reservation residents. Access to healthy food is a fundamental aspect of human well- being. Unfortunately, on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, there is only one reliable food source for the 5,800 residents who live here or within a 25-mile radius. Local ranchers and their approximately 8,700 heads of beef, along with the tribe's 300 buffalo, form the backbone of the Northern Cheyenne reservation's food supply. Additionally, gardens are cultivated in each district on the reservation. The NCT intends to capture these products at their freshest and highest quality, providing the community with a more direct "ranch-to-table" connection. By restoring the connection between animals, ranchers, communities, and the environment, the Northern Cheyenne Tribe's initiative aims to create a more sustainable and self-sufficient food system for its residents. The expected outcome is to improve economic opportunities for local farmers and ranchers through increased market access and production capacity as well as increased availability of locally sourced beef, buffalo, and produce to the Northern Cheyenne Reservation and surrounding areas. This initiative recognizes the importance of traditional farming and ranching practices in the community and aims to support and restore those practices. The initiative also aims to promote the use of environmentally sustainable practices in agriculture to support long-term food security.