AMS, in cooperation with the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has developed an Export Verification (EV) Program for natural casings destined for Canada. The USDA Natural Casings for Canada EV Program is designed to verify that natural casings destined for Canada are processed in the United States.
Canada requires that natural casings be derived from bovine, ovine, and porcine intestines, and produced under a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan. Under this EV Program, the natural casings will be produced in establishments that are under the Food Safety Inspection Service’s (FSIS) voluntary reimbursable inspection service.
To apply for this program, send copies of all relevant procedures, an email requesting service, and a completed LP-109 Application for Service to
The approved Programs listed on the Official Listing below have been found in conformance with the requirements of the USDA Natural Casings for Canada EV Program . These suppliers have been audited and approved by AMS and have been found in conformance with the requirements of the USDA Natural Casings for Canada EV Program.
Official Listing of Eligible Suppliers to the USDA Natural Casings for Canada EV Program (pdf)