Grades of Summer Squash
- U.S. No. 1 consists of squash of one variety or similar varietal characteristics, with stems or portions of stems attached, which are fairly young and fairly tender, fairly well formed, firm, free from decay and breakdown, and from damage caused by discoloration, cuts, bruises and scars, freezing, dirt or other foreign material, disease, insects, mechanical or other means.
a. Tolerances. In order to allow for variations incident to proper grading and handling, the following tolerances, by count, are provided as specified:
1. For defects. Ten percent for squash in any lot which fails to meet the requirements of this grade, including therein not more than 5 percent for defects causing serious damage, and including in this latter amount not more than 1 percent for squash which is affected by decay or breakdown.
2. For size. Five percent for squash in any lot which is smaller than any specified minimum size and 10 percent for squash which is larger than any specified maximum size.
- U.S. No. 2 consists of squash of one variety or similar varietal characteristics which are not old and tough, but are firm, free from decay and breakdown, and free from damage caused by freezing, and from serious damage caused by discoloration, cuts, bruises, scars, dirt or other foreign material, disease, insects, mechanical or other means.
a. Tolerances. In order to allow for variations incident to proper grading and handling, the following tolerances, by count, are provided as specified:
1. For defects. Ten percent for squash in any lot which fails to meet the requirements of this grade, including therein not more than 1 percent for squash which is affected by decay or breakdown.
2. For size. Five percent for squash in any lot which is smaller than any specified minimum size and 10 percent for squash which is larger than any specified maximum size.
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