Notice to the Trade
USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), through the Livestock, Poultry and Seed Program’s Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News (LPGMN) Division, compiles and disseminates information to aid producers, consumers, and distributors in the sale and purchase of livestock, meat, poultry, eggs, grains and their related products. AMS is adding a 5-day rolling average to its Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) purchased swine reports as outlined below. These changes went into effective on September 2, 2015.
A 5-day rolling average price was added to eight daily purchased swine reports, and four prior day purchase swine reports. The average will be an addition to the negotiated live and carcass basis prices which include head counts, price spreads, and daily weighted averages. This average provides users an additional tool for accessing market conditions.
The 5-day rolling average prices will be a weighted average price that includes data that AMS has released on the current day and the four previous days on negotiated swine; and will only include data that has passed the 3/70/20 confidentiality guidelines.
Reports affected include the following daily purchase reports: National Daily Direct Morning and Afternoon Hog Reports (LM_HG202, 203); Iowa-Minnesota Daily Direct Morning and Afternoon Hog Reports (LM_HG205, 206); Eastern Daily Direct Morning and Afternoon Hog Reports (LM_HG209,210); Western Daily Direct Afternoon Hog Reports (LM_HG211, 212). Additionally, prior day purchase reports: National Daily Direct Hog Prior Day (LM_HG200); Iowa-Minnesota Daily Direct Hog Prior Day (LM_HG204); Eastern Daily Direct Hog Prior Day (LM_HG207); Western Daily Direct Hog Prior Day (LM_HG208).
If you have any questions, contact Mike Lynch, LPGMN Director, at (202) 720-4846 or Taylor Cox, Field Chief, at (515) 284-4460. Links to the affected reports can be found at: