Apricot Grades and Standards

Grades of Apricots

  1. U.S. No. 1. - "U.S. No. 1" shall consist of apricots of one variety which are mature but not soft, overripe, or shriveled and which are well formed, free from decay, cuts, skin breaks, worm holes and free from damage caused by limb rubs, russeting, growth cracks, dirt, scab, scale, hail, bruises, disease,insects or mechanical or other means.
  2. U.S. No. 2. - "U.S. No. 2" shall consist of apricots of one variety which are mature but not soft, overripe or shriveled and which are free from decay, cuts, skin breaks, and worm holes and from serious damage caused by limb rubs, growth cracks, dirt, scale, hail, bruises, disease, insects or mechanical or other means. 

Detailed standards, Inspection Instructions & Other Resources: