The NOP often enters into settlement agreements with operations, certified and uncertified, and accredited certifiers concerning noncompliance with the USDA organic regulations. Typically, these settlements are executed as alternatives to administrative proceedings that may result in suspension or revocation of certification or accreditation, as well as civil penalties for the knowing sale of products in violation of the USDA organic regulations. Settlement always requires operations to comply with USDA organic regulations and, sometimes, includes specific compliance requirements and/or reduced civil penalties.
2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |2017 | 2015-2016
Current Year
02/11/2025: Double J Meat Packing Inc. – Pierce, Colorado
Double J Meat Packing Inc. (Double) withdraws its appeal, waives further appeal rights in this matter and agrees to provide on-time responses to all certifier requests for information and detailed documentation required to maintain organic certification. Double agrees to submit its Organic System Plan (OSP) annually with accurate information on the flow of livestock and monitoring procedures; to maintain current supplier organic certificates and records that fully disclose all activities and transactions in sufficient detail to be readily understood and audited, including tracking all animals from receipt to shipping to ensure it only accepts organic livestock for organic slaughter. Double agrees to make sure livestock received match shipping and slaughter records; to prevent commingling and contamination of organic and conventional livestock and products; to not use parasiticides on any organic livestock and to keep appropriate documentation for livestock held overnight. Double also agrees to provide training to staff and its certifier with an updated OSP that includes details on livestock practices and recordkeeping.
02/10/2025: Clean Green Growers – Sellersville, Pennsylvania
Clean Green Growers (Clean) withdraws its appeal, waives further appeal rights in this matter and agrees to provide on-time responses to all certifier requests for information and detailed documentation required to maintain organic certification. Clean also agrees to pay overdue outstanding fees and to pay fees on-time.
02/06/2025: Nicholas Meat LLC – Loganton, Pennsylvania
Nicholas Meat LLC (Nicholas) withdraws its appeal, waives further appeal rights in this matter and agrees that its status will be identified as suspended in the NOP Organic Integrity Database. Nicholas also agrees to not represent, label, or sell any product as organic while its certification is suspended.
01/27/2025: Joshua Seal, dba Seal Farm (Seal) - Angie, Louisiana
Joshua Seal, dba Seal Farm (Seal) withdraws its appeal, waives further appeal rights in this matter and agrees to provide on-time responses to all certifier requests for information and documentation required to maintain organic certification, including its 2025 renewal materials by its anniversary date.
01/22/2025: KSU Nira Satria (KSU) - Banyumas, Indonesia
KSU Nira Satria (KSU) withdraws its appeal, waives further appeal rights in this matter and agrees to a two-year suspension of its organic certification. While suspended, KSU agrees to not represent, label, sell, or handle any product as organic. If/when KSU is reinstated, KSU agrees to not use any prohibited substances or inputs containing prohibited substances, to prevent the contamination of organic product, and to having its certifier conduct sampling of crops and finished products to test for prohibited substances.
01/10/2025: Wenshan Miaoxiang Notoginseng Industrial Co. Ltd. (WMNI) - Wenshan City, Yunnan Province, China
Wenshan Miaoxiang Notoginseng Industrial Co. Ltd. (WMNI) withdraws its appeal, waives further appeal rights in this matter and if/when WMNI is certified again it agrees to respond to all certifier requests for information and documentation required to maintain organic certification. WMNI agrees to not use any prohibited substances; to not use inputs until they are reviewed and approved by its certifier; to take measures to separate the handling/processing/packaging of organic and conventional products and to clean organic handling equipment prior to use; to maintain input application records, equipment cleaning records, operation records, and records of all activities related to seed cultivation and export packaging; and to submit all labels to its certifier for review and approval prior to use. WMNI also agrees it is subject to an unannounced inspection, including sampling to test for prohibited substances within 18 months of certification.
01/08/2025: Spartan Enterprises Inc. dba Watershed Wellness Center – Lansing, Michigan
Spartan Enterprises Inc. dba Watershed Wellness Center agrees to pay a civil penalty of $646.00 and will not represent itself as a USDA certified organic operation unless and until it becomes certified organic, and will not sell, label, or represent products as USDA certified organic or use the USDA organic seal without organic certification.
1/6/2025- Pine Circle Holsteins, Inc. – Rice Lake, Wisconsin
Pine Circle Holsteins, Inc. (Pine) withdraws its appeal, waives further appeal rights in this matter and agrees to provide on-time responses to all certifier requests for information and detailed documentation required to maintain organic certification. Pine agrees to allow inspectors to have full access to the operation during annual and unannounced inspections, including off-site locations and storage, and agrees that a Pine representative will need to be present. Pine also agrees to maintain sufficient records to substantiate the organic integrity of the livestock, including animal identification and purchase records, and to submit a biosecurity plan to their certifier specific to the Pine operation.