AMS-GD-2020-10 - Grain Quality or Weight Discrepancies

The contents of this web page do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. The following is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.

A buyer can report a grain or weight quality discrepancy that arises between origin and destination through the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) agricultural representative at the U.S. Embassy located in their country. The FAS office in Washington, DC is notified and in turn contacts the FGIS's International Affairs Division (IAD). IAD also accepts discrepancy notifications reported directly to our office.

FGIS retains official file samples drawn at the time of the original inspection for 90 days for vessels and 60 days for containers after loading. When an importer reports a discrepancy within that period, we send the samples to our Board of Appeals and Review at FGIS’ National Grain Center in Kansas City, Missouri, for analysis. The field office sends all pertinent documents regarding the shipment to us for review.

FGIS also analyzes data provided from destination, then prepares a report of findings from all available information. The purpose of the review is to verify whether the original quality inspection and certification were in fact correct and to determine, insofar as possible, what factors may have contributed to a discrepancy in results at destination. FGIS does not issue new certificates based on this review. This review is not intended to replace provisions for claims or arbitration in the contract between the importer and supplier.

If a buyer reports repeated discrepancies which are not resolved by a shipment-by-shipment review, IAD explores alternatives for resolving the discrepancy, which might involve conducting collaborative sample studies or joint monitoring activities.

If you would like more information about these activities, please contact the FAS agricultural representative at the U.S. Embassy in your country or FGIS’ IAD directly at

Publication Date