Hemp Disposal Activities

Disposal Practices vs. Disposal Outcome

The options below describe disposal activities. These activities transition the non-compliant product into a non-retrievable or non-ingestible form. Before-and-after imagery shows an example of each activity.  

Note: It is not uncommon for producers to perform one or more of these activities on the same field. For example, a farmer may plow under and subsequently disc a field.

Photo Example

Ag Production Activity

Compliant outcome

Photo Example
Tractor plowing a field

Plowing Under

  • Curved plow blades rotate subsoil to surface and bury crop below

Plowing Under

  • “Green Manure”
  • Amends soil directly from crop
picture of a plowed field
A tractor turning over a crop into the dirt

Mulching / Composting

  • Fields crops cut and blended with manure or other biomass material

Mulching / Composting

  • “Green Manure”
  • Mulch mixed with manure or other biomass
a garden fork turning over a crop in a field
Tractor pulling a disc-er in a field


  • Leveling of field using tow-behind disk implement


  • “Green Manure”
  • Amends soil directly from crop while leveling field
Plowed dirt field
man driving a bush hog through a field

Bush Mower / Chopper

  • Commercial lawn mower used to shred and mix thick vegetation

Bush Mower / Chopper

  • “Green Manure”
  • Shredded biomass decomposes into soil 
Tractor plowing under a field of crops
Backhoe digging a trench

Deep Burial

  • Fields are trenched, surface soil is buried at depth of at least 12”

Deep Burial

  • Field biomass buried in trenches and covered with soil
Field Burning


  • Setting fire to specific production fields or biomatter piled on the field


  • Fields are cleared of all plant material
burned field

Note: In accordance with 7 CFR 1.901(e), the contents of this website does not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way, and the document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.