Docket/Case No. 22-J-0011; AMS-SC-22-0010; SC22-984-1
April 19-20, 2022
USDA will mute all audience microphones throughout the hearing except for the those of the presiding judge, the court reporter, USDA staff, California Walnut Board (CWB) personnel, any witness currently on the stand, and any participant representative engaged in examination of a witness.
On screen appearances will be limited to the judge, the court reporter, USDA staff, any witness currently on the stand, and any participant representative engaged in examination of a witness.
- To ask a question (cross examine) as a member of the audience:
- Via ZOOM audio/video: Use the “raise hand” function found on the toolbar below your live screen or enter “QUESTION” in the ZOOM Q&A text box. The judge will call you to speak as USDA unmutes your microphone. Please note that any questions to witnesses entered in the ZOOM Q&A text box will not be part of the record unless the questioner is recognized to speak by the judge and recites the question orally on the record. The ZOOM chat function will be disabled throughout the proceeding.
- Via phone: When the judge opens the floor to individuals participating by phone, USDA will unmute all microphones to enable you to ask your question(s). The judge will determine the sequence of individuals asking their question(s). Wait to speak until you are called on by the judge.
- To object to violation of a procedural rule (for instance, if you believe an exhibit is not relevant, and/or material to the hearing):
- Via ZOOM audio/video: Use the “raise hand” function found on the toolbar below your live screen or enter “OBJECTION” in the ZOOM Q&A text box. The judge will call you to speak as USDA unmutes your microphone.
- Via phone: Send a text message “OBJECTION” with your FIRST AND LAST NAME to (202) 891-8890. The judge will call you to speak as USDA unmutes your microphone.
- You cannot use objections to testify or cross-examine witnesses.
- To testify and to submit relevant exhibits/documents (if you did not pre-register):
- The judge will periodically ask participants if there are any individuals wanting to testify. Microphones of all participants will be unmuted at this time. You may voice your interest then to be added to the list of witnesses.
- You may send an email message to USDA’s LaShawn Williams at with a statement of wanting to testify with your name and contact phone number.
- You may call LaShawn Williams at (202) 720-2491.
- To Submit Relevant Exhibits or Documents: If you wish to submit documents into evidence, including your written testimony as evidence, email them to so that our technical team can access the exhibits in time for your testimony and post them to the USDA website. There can be up to an hour delay between the time the document is posted and when it is available to the public via the website. USDA will, however, be able to project an exhibit via the shared screen during a witness’s testimony.
- To obtain technical support:
- If a witness loses connectivity while speaking, the judge will pause the hearing until that individual can re-establish contact and complete their testimony. If that is not possible, the judge will call the next witness to testify until such time the cut-off witness can rejoin the hearing.
- If an examiner loses connectivity while speaking, USDA’s technical team will work with that individual off-line to re-establish connectivity. In the interim, the judge will call on the next cross-examiner in order to maintain efficiency in the hearing progress.
- For ZOOM technical support and troubleshooting, contact USDA’s Jeffrey Davis at (202) 306-2673.
The Procedural Requirements Governing Proceedings Pertaining to Marketing Agreements and Marketing Orders can be found at 7 C.F.R. Part 900, Subpart A.