Shinnecock Indian Nation LFPA Plus Executive Summary

The Shinnecock Environmental Department oversees a Food Sovereignty program on behalf of the Shinnecock Indian Nation. This program strives to secure sustainable food resources that are culturally appropriate and accessible to all tribal members. Over the years, the program has included community gardening, aquaculture, foraging, hunting, and, most importantly, teaching the youth these skills.  The department proposes to enhance its current efforts by dramatically increasing the amount of traditional protein distributed in the community. Wild game will be purchased and distributed throughout the community, following the seasonal cycle, and targeting a minimum of 100 households.  All food will be locally sourced and culturally appropriate wild foods available on the territory. There will be contracts in place to document the relationship between the project and the food suppliers. 


With support from this agency, the department will be able to tremendously expand its program. Currently, the department only provides food to children. Approval of this proposal will remove the age constraints and all community members can benefit. This program will be able to continue for 2 years. 


The SED staff will support this project by organizing and assisting with distribution in the community. The Director will coordinate with the Shinnecock Finance Office to put all contracts in place in accordance with tribal procurement policy. The outreach coordinator is a current staff member who will lead communicating with tribal members on the program. This person will also track participation numbers for final reporting.