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- USDA APHIS Biosecurity for Birds - Guidance for backyard and pastured poultry producers.
- Food and Drug Administration's Food Safety Modernization Act
- USDA AMS Food Safety Audit Resources
- USDA AMS Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Audit and Food Safety Certification Services - Makes food safety certification accessible for small and mid-sized for fresh fruit and vegetable producers and packers.
- GroupGAP option allows farmers, food hubs, and others to work together to undergo GAP certification as a group and share the cost of certification.
- USDA On the Farm Food Safety Guide - Create personalized on-farm food safety plans.
- USDA Farm to School Food Safety Resources - Resources for producers on GAP, HACCP, and on-farm food safety. Also includes food safety resources for schools on school gardens, salad bars, and local meat and dairy.
- USDA Food and Nutrition Services Office of Food Safety - Includes educational and training materials for food service professionals and child nutrition program operators.
- Produce Safety Alliance (Cornell University) - Provides fundamental, science-based, on-farm food safety knowledge to fresh fruit and vegetable farmers, packers, regulatory personnel and others interested in the safety of fresh produce.
- National GAPs Program (Cornell University) - A comprehensive extension and education program for growers and packers to reduce microbial risks in fruits and vegetables.
- Penn State Extension Food Safety Resources - Creating an on-farm food safety plan.
- Center for Produce Safety (UC-Davis) - Provides the produce industry and government with open access to research results.
- Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance - A broad-based public/private alliance that provides nationwide core curriculum, training and outreach programs to help companies producing human and animal food comply with the preventive control regulations under FSMA.
- USDA FNS Produce Safety University: Food safety trainings for school food service professionals on food safety and food handling of fresh produce.