Past TOPP Success Stories

TOPP Celebrates One Year of Success - December, 2023

NOP TOPP Project Managers Rebecca Claypool and Penny Zuck celebrated TOPP’s first year with regional and national leads at this year's TOPP partners meeting.
NOP TOPP Project Managers Rebecca Claypool and Penny Zuck celebrated TOPP’s first year with regional and national leads at this year's TOPP partners meeting.

As the USDA Organic Transition Initiative’s Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) marks its first birthday, the National Organic Program (NOP), TOPP national and regional leads, and more than 180 state-level partners are celebrating the success of all that has happened to grow organic in just one year.

Through TOPP, two national and six regional leads have reached more than 15,000 people through 222 separate events held across the United States. Their partnerships with local organizations have contributed to the development of free educational resources, technical assistance workshops, organic workforce training, and mentorship programs pairing experienced organic producers with farmers interested in transitioning to organic.  

NOP is excited about how the program will continue to support U.S. farmers and producers on their journeys to organic certification, and encouraged by the involvement of existing certifiers, non-profit organizations, and seasoned farmers who are helping to pave the way for the next generation of producers. With support through TOPP, the organic community is realizing one common goal: growing America’s network of organic producers to provide everyone an equal opportunity to become involved and have a seat at the organic table.

TOPP Mentorship Helps NY Farm Transition Land from Dairy to Organic Tree Crops - December, 2023

Breadtree Farms is transitioning former dairy acreage to organic chestnut production under the TOPP mentorship program.
Breadtree Farm​s​ is transitioning former dairy acreage to organic chestnut production under the TOPP mentorship program.

Mid-Atlantic/Northeast Regional Lead, Pennsylvania Certified Organic, has seen tremendous success with the mentorship program they established as part of the USDA Organic Transition Initiative’s Transition to Organic Production Program (TOPP). The mentorship program pairs farmers interested in transitioning to organic production with experienced organic producers, providing a unique opportunity for producers to learn hands-on organic production methods and techniques through one-on-one conversation and community building. 

Breadtree Farm​s, ​one of the first to sign up for the region’s mentoring program, is transitioning former dairy acreage to organic chestnut production. ​Breadtree​ ​and co-owner Russell Wallack​ are under the mentorship of Brian Caldwell of Hemlock Grove Farm, a certified organic orchard that produces apples and chestnuts in West Danby, N.Y. Caldwell is also a founding member of the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York and currently serves on the National Organic Standards Board as a consumer advocate. 

​​Breadtree’s ​operation is in the Northern Hudson Valley on about 600 acres in the hill country northeast of the New York state capital. Family dairies farm much of the land that is nestled between the Hudson River and Vermont’s Taconic Mountains. In transitioning farm​land​ from a conventional dairy to organic perennial crops, Breadtree​​ ​has ​planted​ thousands of trees ​while using ​farming strategies designed to build soil, protect clean water, and increase biodiversity. By integrating grazing animals and ​tree crops,​ ​Breadtree ​farm​s plans​ to restore the land, and build food security for future generations. 

As part of the TOPP mentorship program, ​Breadtree Farms ​will receive continued support and guidance from ​its​ mentor throughout the transition to organic certification.


Midwest TOPP Region: USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program Highlighted at Iowa Summer Field Days - December, 2023

Farmers sitting at tables under a tent in front of a corn field
Photo: The Iowa State University Organic Ag Program and Midwest TOPP project were main topics during on-farm and research station field days.

Iowa State University’s (ISU) Organic Agriculture Program, a USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) core partner, recently participated in four field days in Iowa. The field days focused on TOPP initiatives, research-based farming and practical farming solutions for organic growers and those interested in transitioning to organic. The 256 attendees learned about TOPP and agronomic, economic and environmental benefits of organic practices.  

Featured events included a Practical Farmers of Iowa Field Day, demonstrating organic no-till soybeans at A&W Farms in Cambridge; organic no-till black beans at the Rodale Midwest Organic Center in Marion; the long-term comparison of organic and conventional crop rotations at ISU Neely-Kinyon Farm in Greenfield; and an on-farm tour of organic corn varieties and weed management equipment at Shriver Farm in Jefferson, a family farm that uses modern organic farming practices and weed control on its 1,800 organic acres. Farmer Scott Shriver, whose farm transitioned to organic in 1998, hopes to mentor an aspiring organic farmer in the region through the TOPP mentorship program.  

Field day speakers included plant breeders from the ISU Agronomy Department, a soil scientist from the USDA Agricultural Research Service, National Lab for Ag and the Environment, and several organic farmers. Discussions covered best practices for organic corn, soybean, wheat and rye production, fertilizing and weed management. Speakers also shared the benefits of using longer crop rotations, well thought out manure applications and cover crops, which have resulted in greater soil quality in the organic fields at the ISU Neely-Kinyon Farm.  


Southeast TOPP Region: Diversity, Creativity, and Joy – Southeast TOPP Partner Meeting Showcases the Strength of the Organic Community - December, 2023

Group of people in front of presentation screen
Photo: More than 30 TOPP partner organizations from seven states and two territories came together for the first Southeast TOPP Partner Annual Meeting.

Florida Organic Growers (FOG), the Southeast Regional Lead for the USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP), recently coordinated its first annual meeting of partner organizations across the region’s seven states and two territories. Over two days, more than 30 partners shared milestones and success stories from year one and brainstormed strategies to support the organic community through the next four years of the TOPP. Many partners noted the immense value of networking with peer organizations across the region to exchange information and discuss similar successes and challenges. 

The partners shared photos and data to showcase outreach and support to transitioning farmers in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. They highlighted the development of technical assistance and educational opportunities with regional universities, community building and events that brought producers together in Puerto Rico and Georgia. They also shared the creative solutions that certifiers in South Carolina and producers in the U.S. Virgin Islands are developing to overcome barriers and bring new opportunities to producers across the Southeast.  

If you had walked past the meeting room, you might have thought there was a boisterous family reunion happening as the attendees formed new relationships – all with a lot of laughter, storytelling, and joy. Colleagues who had known each other for decades happily reconnected, and partners who had only met over Zoom greeted each other in person with wide smiles. Bringing the partners together provided a forum to discuss challenges that TOPP will help address in the months and years to come.


Plains TOPP Region: TOPP Field Day in Kansas Stirs Curiosity About USDA Organic - December, 2023

four men standing in a field talking
Photo: Plains region farmers listen and learn in the fields of Brad Edelman's certified organic farm. 

The USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) is paving the way for farmers to educate fellow members of the agricultural community on organic production practices, markets and certification. Curious farmers are attending free organic farm tours and sessions on transitioning to organic and taking advantage of technical assistance resources and mentorships available through TOPP. 

In hopes of helping producers in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma and South Dakota realize their goals of organic production, TOPP’s Plains regional lead Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) and state partners have been holding events to reach producers interested in transitioning to organic and those looking to expand their existing organic acreage.

Recently, OCIA held a TOPP field day on Brad Edelman's certified organic farm in Sabetha, Kansas, where certified organic producers and farmers enjoyed networking and hearty conversations around on-farm organic practices and solutions to common challenges in organic production. 

The field day included a wagon tour of the farm, presentations on organic cover crops and organic transition, and a panel discussion that allowed experienced organic farmers to share their experiences with those interested in organic. They also discussed what is working well for organic producers in the Plains region.


Southeast TOPP Region: TOPP Workshop Leads to New Southeast Regional Partnership - October, 2023

Photo: Participants learn about soil health and organic farming practices during an interactive TOPP workshop.
Photo: Participants learn about soil health and organic farming practices during an interactive TOPP workshop.

Over the past few months, events and workshops focused on the USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) have been popping up throughout communities nationwide. In the Southeast, regional TOPP lead Florida Organic Growers (FOG) and Tuskegee University partnered with Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University Small Farms Research Center and Auburn University to host several workshops on soil health and organic farming.   

Soil health is the foundation of soil-based organic production systems. For many farmers, it is a key indicator of a productive, sustainable farm. At a recent workshop on an urban farm in Montgomery, Alabama, Alicia Jordan – owner of Triple J Farm and an outreach specialist for the Federation of Southern Cooperatives – shared that she had been inspired to start composting on her farm thanks to the education she received at similar TOPP-focused workshops and expressed interest in hosting a future workshop at her farm. Through this collaboration, FOG has been able to forge substantial partnerships working within historically under-served communities.  

It is great to know that TOPP significantly impacted Jordan and her soil health practices. And thanks to her outreach role at the Federation of Southern Cooperatives, this information will continue to spread through the Federation’s farming community. This experience has also motivated FOG to define and develop a partnership role with the Alabama State Association of Cooperatives, a state affiliate of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives, as part of the SE region TOPP initiative, which includes the potential for supporting some of their educational acreage transitioning to organic production.


Plains TOPP Region: TOPP Brings Plains Region Producers Together to Learn Organic Production Practices and Business Strategies – September, 2023

10 men and woman stading on a green filed in front of a silver barn with blue sky and a field in the background
Photo: Prospective organic producers attend field day to learn firsthand practices for farm and business.

USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) events continue to draw members of local and regional farming communities together. In early summer, more than 20 producers from the TOPP Plains region attended an Intro to Organic Agriculture Field Day on John's Farm, an organic beef, wheat, and barley farm in Fairview, Oklahoma. The field day welcomed individuals interested in transitioning to organic and provided attendees with on-farm practices, business strategies, and a chance to network with fellow producers.   

TOPP Plains region lead Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) partnered with Acres USA to host the event. Participants started the day with field walks through John's Farm, followed by a full day of educational sessions led by organic and agricultural professionals from Albert Lea Seed, Oklahoma State University, Mercaris, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, USDA Farm Service Agency, and John's Farm. Attendees held one-on-one conversations with organic producers and industry professionals and received resource materials on TOPP, the Organic Material Review Institute, and the Healthy Soil Summit. Attendees could also a sign up for more information on organic certification with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture.   

Field Day participants learned about several aspects of organic production. Educational session topics included Organic Agronomy and Seed Selection, Soil Health Management and Soil Testing, Strategic Decision Making for Business Plans, The Current Landscape of Organic Markets, Organic Record Keeping Strategies and Organic Farming in Oklahoma, and Conservation Planning and Funding Opportunities. The day concluded with a hearty discussion on available resources and what it looks like when you put it all together.


Northwest TOPP Region: Farmer to Farmer Insight Shared through TOPP Sparks Interest in Northwest Organic Crop and Livestock Operations – September, 2023 

4 men kneeling in a recently plowed field with one man standing behind them
Photo: Farmers and ranchers talk about soil health and crop rotation while touring a certified organic farm and ranch in southeastern Montana.

Montana has seen increased interest in organic transitioning and farmer-to-farmer education events offered through the USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). Northwest regional TOPP partner Montana Organic Association (MOA) recently joined forces with certified organic farm and processor O’Connor Crops and Cattle - OCC Legacy Cuts to provide opportunities for farmers and ranchers to learn about organic certification and on-farm practices.

On the first day, 22 attendees participated in a tour that provided step-by-step insight to ranchers interested in transitioning to organic and growing their livestock businesses. Tour participants watched as OCC Legacy Cuts processed cattle from slaughter through the fabrication of the carcass, and tour guides shared insight into growing, processing and marketing certified organic beef.

On day two, 25 farmers and producers attended an MOA-led tour which focused on dryland wheat, legumes, cover cropping research, forage management, and inter-seeding of crops, including legumes with spring wheat. As part of their crop rotation, the farm uses livestock to graze cover crops and soil building crops. They grow organic crops and fatten cattle to process and distribute directly to consumer and retail stores. Tour participants observed a wide range of agronomy practices that included ensiling forages, integrating forages for cattle into cash crops, moisture saving tillage regimes and cover cropping.  


Northwest TOPP Region: Outreach is Key in Identifying TOPP Organic Mentors – August, 2023

4 people consulting a phone while standing in a field
Photo: New and experienced organic farmers standing in a field, looking at and discussing the soil.

USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) Northwest Regional Lead Oregon Tilth Certified Organic is casting a wide net with its partners to spread TOPP messaging throughout farming communities, reaching qualified organic mentors, and letting those interested in transitioning to organic know what resources will be available to them through the mentorship program. TOPP leads identify and recruit experienced organic farmer mentors to pair with conventional or beginning farmers who have interest in organic production methods and the certification process.   

From sending email blasts to working with inspectors and certifiers who deal directly with producers, regional partners are getting in front of the agricultural community through every means possible. Outreach events have been key in identifying promising candidates to serve as mentors. Examples of such events include Oregon Tilth presenting on how the TOPP mentorship program helps grow and strengthen organic networks at the Idaho Soil Health “5 for 5” meeting, an event that brings together agricultural professionals, university extension, and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). This TOPP presentation comes on the heels of another one held at a University of Idaho Organic Workshop earlier in the year. Oregon Tilth and the Oregon Organic Hazelnut Collective also joined forces to present a “Going Organic” webinar featuring information on organic certification and TOPP support and are talking about having an Oregon Organic Hazelnut Collective Field Day in the future. 

In addition to hosting face-to-face conversations and outreach events, Oregon Tilth has created outreach partnership tools that highlight TOPP and the expanded availability of organic mentors. TOPP is a young program, and the region has already received recommendations for more than 70 potential Northwest regional mentors and has many others interested in serving as a mentor.


Southwest TOPP Region: Organic Industry Experiences Benefits of TOPP Firsthand – August, 2023 

11 people standing and kneeling in a strawberry patch holding up strawberries
Photo: Jessy Beckett Parr, CCOF – top right in red hat, and organic certification reviewers and inspectors took part in an Organic Transition Tour with TOPP Technical Assistance recipient Domitila Tapia (bottom left).

Grassroots networking and communication are key to spreading the word about opportunities available through the USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). TOPP regional leads are planting boots on the ground to connect producers interested in transitioning to organic with organic farmers interested in mentoring them. 

In early summer, Southwest TOPP Regional Lead California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) toured Domitila Tapia's operation, Mimi’s Organic Farm is a 67-acre berry and vegetable farm in Watsonville, California. A part of Mimi’s Organic Farm was certified organic in 2015. The tour highlighted how the TOPP participant is receiving support in transitioning her remaining acreage to certified organic. As a Spanish-speaking program participant, Domitila receives technical assistance in Spanish for activities including completing organic certification paperwork. 

CCOF’s private and philanthropic partners also awarded Mimi’s Organic Farm grant funding aimed at helping underserved farmers build more regenerative food systems, advance equity in agriculture, and scale sustainable farming practices. The funding is helping Mimi’s Organic Farm expand organic acreage and increase the availability of sustainably grown fruits and vegetables.    

The recent CCOF tour of Domitila's operation included local organic industry professionals interested in seeing how operations can benefit from TOPP. The tour showcased how the much-needed TOPP resources can help grow the organic community and provide equal opportunity for anyone interested in transitioning to organic. The tour highlighted challenges non-English speaking and transitioning producers face and offered first-hand learning experiences for organic certification reviewers and inspectors.   


Southeast TOPP Region: Southeast TOPP Region and Tuskegee University Work Hand-in-Hand to Explore Opportunities in Organic – July, 2023

12 men and women walking in a filed lined by tall trees
Photo: Representatives from Tuskegee University, Florida Organic Growers, and conference attendees tour the research farm.

Florida Organic Growers (FOG) - the Southeast Regional Lead for the USDA Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) - recently teamed up with Tuskegee University at its Annual Farmers Conference held March 28-31 to showcase ways that Tuskegee builds community, provides technical assistance, and is developing a future organic workforce. As a partner in the Southeast TOPP Region, Tuskegee recognized FOG as an organization whose work products and community outreach embody the goals of the USDA program. Tuskegee enthusiastically welcomed FOG to partner on this event and to get the word out about this important program.   

The Southeast Regional Lead presented on how USDA is using TOPP to support existing and transitioning organic farmers. Representatives from both FOG and Tuskegee co-led a presentation on the different kinds of products that qualify for USDA organic certification and the audit types conducted, and throughout the day, spent time at the research farm with conference attendees from Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. Registered event participants included more than 560 farmers, ranchers, students, service providers and representatives from private industry, not-for-profits, Extension, and USDA. 

The conference also showcased student presentations supported by Tuskegee research and several sessions discussed different aspects of farming including urban agriculture and soil health management practices. The event concluded with a networking session that allowed farmers and service providers to spend time in community with one another.   

Florida Organic Growers was grateful for the opportunity to support Tuskegee at their conference and excited to build upon and strengthen the work Tuskegee is doing through the TOPP program.