National Pork Board

The pork R&P program operates as the National Pork Board.  The program's goal is to develop and expand markets for pork and pork products.  The program is funded by a mandatory assessment of $0.35 of $100 market value (effective January 1, 2023) of all pigs sold in the United States, as well as an equivalent amount on imported pigs, pork, and pork products.  The assessments are used to fund promotional and information campaigns and to conduct research in such areas as the role of pork in human diets and new product development.

The program was created and is administered under the authority of the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Act of 1985 (pdf).  It became effective September 5, 1986, when the Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information Order (pdf) was implemented.  Assessments began on November 1, 1986.  View the National Pork Board Federal Register History.

Organization of the National Pork Board

The National Pork Board is composed of 15 pork producers and importers, who are nominated by the National Pork Producers Delegate Body.  The Delegate Body has approximately 160 members.  They include a minimum of 2 producers authorized from each of the 43 active pig-producing States, as well as importers.  The Delegate Body recommends the assessment rate and determines what percentage of the assessments will be returned to State producer organizations.

The Secretary of Agriculture appoints Delegate Body members from pork producers who have been nominated through special elections or other USDA-approved selection processes in each State.  Importers are selected from individuals nominated by an eligible organization.

View the list of National Pork Board Members (pdf)

View the list of National Pork Producers Delegate Body (pdf) 

Visit the National Pork Board’s Web Site >

Nominations & Membership

Next Term of Office: The Delegate Body members serve for terms of 1 year or until their replacements have been appointed. All Board members serve three-year terms. No board member can serve more than two consecutive three-year terms. Approximately one-third of the Board is appointed each year.

Eligibility Requirements: In accordance with the statute, a nominee to the Delegate Body ultimately must be a pork producer or importer who has paid all assessments due.

Nomination Process: Members of the National Pork Board are nominated by Delegate Body members who are pork producers or importers of porcine animals, pork or pork products nominated by their State pork producer associations or individually, then officially appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture. All nominees are subject to USDA background review.


Organic Assessment Exemption

R&P programs allow persons that produce, handle, market, process, manufacture, feed or import “organic” and “100 percent organic” products to be exempt from paying assessments regardless of whether they are a “split” operation.

Mailing Address

1400 Independence Avenue, SW.
STOP 0249
Washington, DC 20250-0249

USDA Oversight Contact

Sarah Aswegan (Oversees National Pork Board)
(515) 201-5190