Release No.: 022-16
WASHINGTON, Feb. 29, 2016 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) today announced a proposed rule and a direct final rule related to the reauthorization of the livestock mandatory reporting program. The proposed rule would amend several swine and lamb reporting provisions. The direct final rule amends several additional lamb reporting provisions.
As authorized by the Agriculture Reauthorizations Act of 2015, the proposed rule includes the following five amendments.
- A swine reporting amendment to require covered entities to report “negotiated formula” swine purchases as a new and separate purchase type category. This would provide market participants with a better understanding of the purchase methods used in the marketplace.
- A swine reporting amendment to require packers to include all late afternoon purchases of barrows and gilts in their daily morning submission on the following reporting day.
- A lamb reporting amendment to change the definition of “packer owned lambs” and add a new definition and reporting requirement regarding quantity and delivery period for “lambs committed.”
- A lamb reporting amendment to add a definition for the term “lambs committed.”
- A lamb reporting amendment to require lamb packers to report price information paid to producers for lamb pelts from their slaughter lamb purchases. This would provide producers with more complete information regarding the total value of their lambs.
The direct final rule to amend the mandatory price reporting provisions for lamb will lower the reporting threshold requirements for lamb packers and importers. Specifically, it redefines the term “packer” to include entities with 50 percent or more ownership in a facility and lowers the threshold reporting requirements for packers and importers.
The livestock mandatory reporting program was established in 2001 to publish information regarding the marketing of cattle, swine, lambs, and livestock products; improve USDA’s price and supply reporting services; and encourage competition in the marketplace for livestock and livestock products. The program helps bring transparency, breadth and depth to market reporting.
Notice of the proposed rule and direct final rule was published in the Federal Register on Feb. 29, 2016. Comments must be received by April 29, 2016. Comments should be submitted electronically at The direct final rule becomes effective on May 31, 2016. For additional information, please contact: Michael Lynch, Director; Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News Division; Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program; 1400 Independence Ave. S.W., Room 2619-S Bldg., Ag STOP 0252; Washington, DC 20250-0252; Phone: (202) 720-4846.
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