Fort Belknap Indian Community LFPA Plus Executive Summary

The Fort Belknap Indian Community will use the funds to be used for procurement of locally grown unprocessed/minimally processed foods and meat. Food purchases will be made from local and regional farmers and ranchers. A subaward will be granted to the Day Eagle Hope Project which is operated by an enrolled Tribal member who resides on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation. The beneficiaries will be local farmers and ranchers with the expected outcomes to be grown local, buy local and serve local.

USDA Seeks Nominees for the Cherry Industry Administrative Board

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking nominees for the Cherry Industry Administrative Board to fill seats for three growers, one handler and one at-large member, and their respective alternates. Nominations for member seats will be accepted from Nov. 5 through Dec. 3, 2024. The nominations for alternate seats will be accepted from Jan. 7 through Feb. 4, 2025. The appointed members and alternates will serve three-year terms beginning July 1, 2025.

Grant Reviewer Guidance and Resources

We appreciate your interest and commitment to serving as a Reviewer for the Agricultural Marketing Services grant reviews. This page is designed to provide you with up-to-date information to support you throughout the grant process. Please note that this page will be updated regularly with each grant cycle. Please check back for the latest details and announcements.  

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