Gwen Sparks, (202)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2011 – The U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) has revised the U.S. standards for grades of frozen okra, based on a request from the American Frozen Food Institute.
The revised standards for U.S. grades of frozen okra convert from a variable score point system to a statistically-based individual attribute grading system, similar to the current U. S. standards for grades of canned green and wax beans. The revised standards provide the frozen okra industry with greater flexibility to meet consumer and commercial demand.
AMS works with industry representatives and others to establish or revise U.S. standards for nearly 240 agricultural products. Industry uses the standards in the marketplace to specify the quality of commodities. Standards facilitate commerce by providing a common language for trade and a means of measuring value in the marketing of agricultural products.
The notice was published in the Oct. 17, 2011, Federal Register. The revised standards will take effect Nov. 16, 2011.
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