Contact:Hakim Fobia (202)
WASHINGTON, March 6, 2014 -- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced two final decisions that permanently adopt amendments to the Appalachian, Southeast and Florida federal milk marketing orders.
The first final decision is based on testimony and evidence given at a public hearing held in Louisville, Ky., from Jan. 10 – 12, 2006. Specifically, this decision: Establishes a mileage rate factor using a fuel cost adjustor used in the transportation credit provisions of the Appalachian and Southeast orders, increases the maximum transportation credit assessment rate for both orders, and establishes a zero diversion limit standard on loads of milk requesting transportation credits. These amendments have been in place on an interim basis since 2006.
The second final decision is based on testimony and evidence given at a public hearing held in Tampa, Fla., from May 21-23, 2007. In addition to adjusting the Class I pricing surface for the Appalachian, Florida, and Southeast orders, this decision amends certain features of the diversion limit, touch-base and transportation credit provisions for the Appalachian and Southeast orders. These amendments have been in place on an interim basis since 2008. This decision also increases the maximum administrative assessment for the Appalachian, Florida, and Southeast marketing orders.
USDA will conduct a vote on the amended orders to determine producer approval. If producers approve the orders as amended, final rules will follow to implement these changes on a permanent basis. The final decisions will be published in the March 7, 2014 Federal Register. For additional information about the decisions contact:
Appalachian: Harold H. FriedlyUSDA/AMS/Dairy ProgramsP.O. Box 91528, Louisville, KY 40291-0528Tel. (502) 499-0040; e-mail:
Florida and Southeast: Patrick S. ClarkUSDA/AMS/Dairy Programs1550 North Brown Rd., Suite 120, Lawrenceville, GA 30043Tel. (770) 682-2501; e-mail:
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