Milk Marketing Order Statistics

Federal milk marketing orders are established under the authority of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized by this statute, under certain conditions and with producer approval, to issue milk marketing orders that require handlers to pay at least the minimum specified prices for milk purchased from producers. The complete orders are published in the U. S. Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 1000 to 1199.

These Federal milk order statistical reports are based on data compiled from reports that handlers (milk processors) are required to file monthly with the market administrator who administers the respective Federal milk order. These reports show the volume of milk receipts from each source and quantity of milk used in each form. From these reports, data are compiled and totaled for each order by the market administrator. The order summary report is submitted to the Market Information Branch in Dairy Program and is combined with the summary reports for the other orders.

In addition to the publications listed below, there are additional resources, listed in the Data section below, for accessing many of these statistical reports.


My Market News


You can also use an Application Programming Interface (API) to access the data. If you have any questions about setting up or using the API, please refer to:

API User’s Guide for DPMRP & FMMOS

Please contact the Market Information Branch at if you need help with any of these options.


Trends in Milk Marketing

Producer Milk Marketings and Utilization

Individual Milk Order Prices

Individual Orders Year to Date

Regulated Milk Plants