Filing a SC-6 Certificate in CEMS

The CEMS portal:

Registration: Both the shipper and the receiver must register. The receiver must be registered in order for the shipper to complete the request for an SC-6 certificate. To register as a new user, the individual must obtain a Level 1 eAuthentication account. Those with an existing MOLS system username and password can simply login.

Business Profile: For detailed instructions on creating a business profile see the CEMS External User Registration Instructions (pdf)

Request an SC-6: The shipper will electronically file information for the SC-6 certificate, including information on the receiver. It is important that the receiver be registered in CEMS prior to the shipper attempting to create an SC-6 certificate, as the shipper will be selecting the receiver from a drop down box to complete the SC-6 certificate. Once the shipper submits his/her portion of the SC-6 certificate, an email will be sent to the receiver informing him/her that an exemption certificate has been granted and to visit the CEMS portal to complete the receiver portion of the form. It is at this time that the receiver must verify the weight received in the field indicated, affirm the information is true and submit the information. The record will only process if the weight is complete. If it does not process, because the weight does not match what the shipper/broker input into the system, the shipment will not reconcile. If the shipment does not reconcile, the importer will be contacted by a member of MOAD’s Compliance and Enforcement Branch to inquire what the discrepancy was and how it occurred.

Optimization of the CEMS Portal: Shippers will have the ability to create SC-6 certificates in advance and edit or void a certificate as long as it has not been submitted. New functions for CEMS include allowing those who serve as both shipper and receiver to file in the system, and allowing multiple individuals to be associated with an “Organization View,” so anyone within the same organization can create the exemption certificate or receive the shipment. This allows an organization’s account to remain open even after an employee leaves.

MOAD has nine Processing Message Sets that may be used in the Customs and Border Protection (CBP)’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Portal (MO1 through MO8 and PN1 - Request for peanut inspection). Which to use depends on the product being imported, the date imported, the quantity imported, or whether exempt. See the AMS-MO Program Message sets (pdf) for detailed information on the condition for each message set.

Of note, with CEMS: If a shipper wishes to complete the SC-6 certificate in advance of the filing, the shipper can manually enter the SC-6 certificate number in the ACE Portal MO3 - Request Admittance Based on Exemption Permit Already Issued by AMS. Shippers who wish to use the MO4 - Request Exemption Permit from AMS option will not have to create an SC-6 in CEMS, as it will be completed in the ACE system. CEMS will issue a shipper or receiver number upon registration in the CEMS Portal. Customers can use that number to create an SC-6 certificate in ACE. Whether a shipper files in ACE using an MO3 or MO4 message set, the receiver will need to log into the CEMS Portal to report receipt of the shipment to send a message back to CBP that will notify the shipper that the transaction is complete.