Bulk Commodities

The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) purchases bulk commodities, such as grains and rices. 

The Master Solicitation for Commodity Procurements (MSCP-I) (pdf) is used for the solicitation of bids and award of contracts for various commodities under domestic and foreign food assistance programs procured by AMS.

Commodity Requirements

AMS will periodically issue invitations for bids (IFB) requesting particular commodities being procured. Following is a list of products with a link to the requirements for each commodity. 

Bidders are required to read the Master Solicitation for Commodity Procurements (MSCP-I) (pdf)Solicitation Information, and USDA Commodity Requirements

Bulk grains are subject to the standards set forth in the "Official United States Standards for Grain" which are available at the AMS web site.


Contact Information

International Commodity Procurement Division
1400 Independence Avenue, SW, S-0239
Washington, DC  20250-0239
Phone:  202-720-4517