International Outreach Program
FGIS personnel participate in a variety of international assistance programs at the request of U.S. exporters, international importers and end users of U.S. grains and oilseeds, as well as other USDA agencies, USDA Cooperator organizations, and other governments. FGIS international services include:
- Resolving grain quality and weight discrepancies by working with international governments and grain industry representatives.
- Helping other countries develop domestic grain and commodity standards and marketing infrastructures.
- Training international inspectors in U.S. inspection methods and procedures.
- Aiding importers in developing quality specifications.
- Presenting grain marketing and grain grading seminars around the world.
- Conducting collaborative studies and surveys to collect market information.
- Providing consulting services on technical issues.
These activities are typically funded through various programs administered by USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service, FGIS, or by the private sector on a cost recovery basis.
Educational Programs
Our educational programs include briefings for international trade teams and government representatives on the U.S. grain market and national inspection system; as well as site visits to FGIS field offices, onsite laboratories at export grain elevators, and FGIS's National Grain Center located in Kansas City, Missouri.
Briefings are tailored to address each group’s interests and concerns. Presentations include explanations of the various services available from FGIS, the Agency’s use of the latest technology to provide grain traders with accurate and reliable inspection and weighing information and, for importers or potential importers new to the U.S. grain market, information on contracting for the quality they desire.
These briefings foster a better understanding of the entire U.S. grain marketing system and serve to enhance purchasers’ confidence in U.S. grain. Ultimately, these efforts help move our nation’s harvest to end-users around the globe.
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