What are my requirements for administering my grant?
You must follow the requirements provided in your Notice of Award, which refers to your grant’s General Terms and Conditions. You can find links to each active fiscal year at the Grants Terms and Conditions page.
How do I request a payment request?
You must complete and submit the following documentation:
- SF-270 Request for Advance or Reimbursement - Form
- Required: AMS Grant Program Worksheet (xls)
- SF-270_General Instructions (pdf)
- Sample SF-270_Request#1_Advance (pdf)
- Sample SF-270_Request#1_Reimbursement (pdf)
- Sample SF-270 Narrative_Subsequent Request_Reimbursement (pdf)
- Sample SF-270 Form_Subsequent Request_Reimbursement (pdf)
How do I report on my grant’s progress?
You must submit Interim Performance Reports to show the progress of your award throughout the performance period.
Interim Performance Reports are due within 90 days after the reporting period end date (i.e., after the performance period of September 30 to September 29 a report is due by December 28. You must complete and submit the following documentation:
You must submit a Final Performance Report within 90 days after the period of performance’s expiration date. You must complete and submit the following documentation:
How do I report on my grant’s financial status?
You must complete and submit the following documentation along with your interim and final performance reports:
- SF-425 Federal Financial Status Report (pdf)
- SF-425 Instructions (pdf)
- Sample Final SF-425 Federal Financial Status Report (pdf)
How do I report on special purpose equipment or unused supplies in excess of $5,000 purchased through my grant?
If you purchase special purpose equipment or have unused supplies in excess of $5,000 you must submit a Tangible Personal Property Report within 90 days after your grant’s expiration date, which includes completing and submitting the following documentation:
If you determine at any time during your grant, except at close out, to sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of the equipment, you must request disposition instructions from AMS by completing and submitting the following documentation: