Meeting Announcement: Grain Inspection Advisory Committee

Today, the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service announced the Grain Inspection Advisory Committee’s 2023 summer meeting.  The meeting will be held at the:

AMS National Grain Center
10383 N. Ambassador Drive
Kansas City, Missouri 64153

Aug. 30, 2023, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT, and Aug. 31, 2023, 8:30 a.m. to noon CT. 

In addition to general program updates, agenda topics include the Federal Grain Inspection Services:

Redefining Bona Fide Cotton Spot Markets

Docket Number: AMS-CN-22-0061
Effective Dates: August 1, 2023


This rule amends the regulation that defines two of the seven designated spot markets and changing the names of the affected markets. Specifically, market price data for cotton grown in Oklahoma and Kansas are reassigned from the East Texas/Oklahoma spot market to the West Texas spot market. This action also changes the names of these two markets to describe the markets more accurately.

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